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I woke up feeling numb all over my body and I can hear some voices. I opened my eyes and looked around. Then I saw my Mom and Dad beside me and God on the other side..he was holding my hand.

''Blue? Do you remember us?'' My mom asked me.
''Blue?..'' He is awake..I'll call the Doctor now.'' G said and he pushed the button beside me to call the doctor.

''Thank you and you're finally awake son..we are so worried about you.'' My Mom said and they hugged me.
''Are you okay Mom? Dad?'' I asked them.
''Don't worry about us Son..we are fine. Think of yourself and get well..'' My Mom said while he caressed my hair. I looked at G and smile. Then the Doctor enter the room followed by a nurse.

They check on me.

''Good thing you're already awake..you've been sleeping for one week now.'' The Doctor said.
''All is well,,everything is okay..you just need to rest and that numbness that you're feeling is because of the medicine. It will get back to normal just don't stress yourself.'' The Doctor said.
''oK I'll go now...let's just wait for the test result..thank you.''

After the Doctor leave my Mom hugged me.

''We are so happy that you are ok Son..Me and your Dad is so scared that we will lose you again..I can't bare it to happened again.'' My Mom said. I smiled at her and kissed her cheeks.

''I'm okay Mom,Dad..I'm just so scared too. I thought I'm gonna lose you two..I'm so scared that time..'' I said and the tears fell from my eyes. Mom wiped my tears and gives me a hug and Dad join in too.

After a moment they let go of me. And I whispered to my Mom.

''My memory is back'' I told them.
''Realy?'' My mOm asked smiling.
''Thanks God..you okay?'' My Dad said while he took a gazed to G that still seating on the chair looking at us.

''Yes Dad..I'm OK..'' I answered.
''Ok..wE will leave now so you two can talk.'' My Mom said. She kissed me on the forehead and gives me a hug and let go.

After my parents went out. G walked on my bed and sit beside me..He get my hand and gives me a squeezed.

''How are you feeling?'' G asked me he looked like he haven't sleep for days. The black circle under his eyes says it all.
I smiled a little and bring my hand to caressed his face.

''How many days that you did not sleep?'' I asked him.
''I'm okay. I don't mind even if I don't get enough sleep all I want is you to be okay..so how are you feeling now?'' G asked me.
I smiled at him and nodded.

''I'm okay now. So wha happened to Ken and Tin? I remember I shot them before I passed out..did I killed them?'' I asked him in horror..
''Opppss relax..you did not killed them..I never expected that Tin can do such thing. I thought I knew her but I was wrong. I never thought that she can hurt and killed people for her own happiness..I just knew from Tin that Ken is his cousin. Ken is working on an aircraft as a mechanical engineer so she pays him to do the job.'' G told me..I can't still believe what I'm hearing right now.

''Just don't think about it okay? I want you to recovered quickly and back to normal..just don't think about it..I will always be here I'm not gonna leave you..'' GOd said and he slowly pulled me into a hugged.

''I want to tell you something..'' I said and let go of him..
''Hmm..what is it? Did something hurt you?'' God asked checking on me.
''I remember everything. I am Blue.'' I said.
''Really?? So you remember about Tin..''
''Ok just stop right there..'' I cut him off.. ''I'm okay now G..I am back..and I was trying to forget about what you and Tin cause me before..and I don't want to remember it again. And I decided to give it a shot with you. So whatever happened before I don't wanna talk about it..''

I got a little bit shocked when G cupped my cheeks and pulled me into a kissed. I closed my eyes and I feel the warm lips that keeps moving on my lips. G deepened the kissed and I opened my lips to give him full access to my mouth. He lay my back on bed and he continue kissing me. It was so sweet and warm. He was exploring every inch of my mouth. After a moment G let go of my mouth and looked at me..he pressed our forehead together.

''I love you Blue'' I feel so warmed on his smile.
''I love you too.'' G pressed his lips on me and hugged me tight.

''Ehmm..'' I looked at the door and there is the boys leaning on the wall looking at us. G let go of me and turned around.
''I'm sorry for interupting your sweet moment but we miss Blue already..'' Hyper said and they went on my bed..they put the food on the table and Hyper went on the other side and gives me a hug.

''Finally you're awake..and I wish my bestfriend is back too.'' Hyper said.
''Why where did I go?'' I asked him.
''What I mean is it will be nice if your memory is back..I miss having a crack up time with you..'' Hyper said.
''Like we spend Friday night on Duke's bar and get drunk.'' Hyper said and the boys laughed. I give him a slap on the back of his head and said.

''You know that I'm not a drinker right? Maybe you're referring to someone..'' I said and Hyper looked at me like I said something weird.

''Ohh..wait..you're memory is back right?'' Hyper asked. I just looked at him and raised my eyebrow.
''OMg..you really get your memory back?'' Hyper squeezed on a hug and shake me.

''Ohh watch out Hype..Blue is not recovered yet..'' G said.
''Aw!  C'mon G..don't be a slug. Blue is tough..so stop babying that idiot'' Hyper said making a face.
''Not now Hype..just give me food I'm already starving.'' I told him.
''Ok..I think you're really back..''  Hyper said and went to the  table to get food. G still holding my hand.

The room fill out of laughter and teasing each other. I really miss this boys chaotic but fun.

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