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Maybe this is the longest time running in my life right now,I feel so uncomfortable. I was in G's unit together with Hyper and G's friends seating on his couch like a stone. Hyper drag me here after he told me that G is living next door and he told me that we need to get along since we are in the same floor. Sometimes I always think why the hell I befriended with this idiot.

I live here on this building for over 5years and I'm 101% sure that I don't need to be friend and get along with my neighbor.
I was minding my own business on my unit and the next thing I know I was seating on someones couch drinking a coffee and spend an awkward glances with Hyper that so busy laughing with Dew and Kent,They really got so close after a 3 days being together in the camp. Hyper is so popular with people. People liked him.
I'm not a people person and I hate to mingle and now I'm praying that someone will call me on my phone so I can have an excuse to get out of this situation.

I was sipping my coffee when G sit on the couch beside me..I hate the feeling that I need to feel nervous whenever he's around. This is all new to me. I've never got a crush on someone before even on my college days so I'm being confused.

''You okay Blue? You're spacing out'' Brix asked meand I looked at him with a straight face.

''I think I need to go now..I have some manuscript to review for my books..Thank you for the coffee.'' I looked at them and I take a glance with G that did not not bother to look at me.
After I said my goodbye I headed myself to the door and enter my unit. I locked the door and went straight to the living room.
I let out a deep sigh and open my laptop. I log in to my IG acc and uploaded some of the photos that I've taken on my last trip.
I notice a photo that Hyper tagged me,its me and G walking. G is behind me taking photos. I didn't know that we walked that closed.
I heart the photo and scrolled up when I came across G's IG acc..I scroll on his photos and mostly his photo is taken during he performed on the stage..so he is a singer. I scrolled and stalk is photos for a minutes. He looked so handsome..he looked even more hot holding that guitar with his veiny hands while his sweat is dripping off his face.
I spend sometime scrolling when I came across his photo with a girl..she is kissing him on his cheeks and G is laughing. The girl looks so pretty and they look like a perfect match.

Blue log out and put his laptop away. He get up on his sit and walked to his bedroom he will take a shower now.

Its already 11am and his stomach is started to grumbling. Blue order some food and settle on his couch while waiting for the food to arrive. He was watching Tv when his phone rang.
He grab his phone and check who is calling.

Its Mom.

''Hello Ma,''
''Hello Blue are you free tonight?'' His mom asked.
''Hmm yes.Why Ma?'' He asked.
''Go home later..I had a visitor and I want to introduce you to them.'' His mom said.
''Hmm..ok Ma. I'll be there.''
''Okay We will wait for you Son. Bye''
''Hmm..'' He hang up the call and turn off the Tv when someone knock on his door. He get up headed on his door he take on a peephole and its the food he ordered.

After he ate he go back to his laptop and spend his hours working on his papers. His phone rings and it was his Mom calling him.
He stretched his back and answered the call.

''Hello Ma''
''Hello Blue..where are you?''his mom asked.
''At home Ma..''
''What time are you gonna go home? The visitor is here we are waiting for you'' His mom said..he looked at the clock on his table and its already 6pm. He lost the track of time and he forgot his appointment with his mom.

''Im sorry Mom I was so preoccupied of my paper works that I lost the track of time..I'll get ready now''
''Okay Son..Drive safely.'' he hang up the call and close his laptop and went to his room to take a shower.

He wear a black pants and a white shirt with a black jacket and a pair of sneakers. He grab his key and headed out of the door.
He was waiting for the elevator when he notice G with a girl. He was clinging on her waist smiling and having a conversation then the elevator opened infront of them and they both entered. Blue settled on the other side of the elevator. While G and the girl is on the other side still talking and laugh from time to time. This is the second time that he saw G laughing..flashing his pearly white teeth.

After a minute the elevator opened and he walked to his car. He was opening his car when he saw G opening the car door for his girlfriend. Their gazed met but Blue removed his gazes and get inside his car and start the engine.

He parked his car infront of their house and the their butler take the car to the garage. He went inside and went straight to the living room where he his parents and the visitor is waiting for him.

''Mom,Dad'' The people on the living room turned around.

''Oh Blue..There you are. Come here'' His Mom called him. He kiss his mom and Dad.
And his mom introduce him to the visitors.

''Im sorry if I keep you wait..Im so busy earlier that I forgot about the time'' He apologized
''Its Okay Blue..we understand. And we are still waiting for my son too. He is not yet here but on he is on his way here''
Mrs Chen answered.

''Okay maybe we can wait for your son on the dining table..we can talked in there.'' His Dad said and they all get up to go straight to the dining area.

''I really wanna meet you Blue,I'm your fan and I read a lot of your books..Its all a good book I always love the plot of the story you write..''Mrs Jongcheevevat told him.
''You are such a talented author..you did not run out of ideas hmm?'' Mr.Jongcheevevat told him.

''Thank you'' Blue answered ans he smiled a bit.

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