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I flip the cover of the book I was reading after I finished reading the last page and put the book on the table. I stretch my back and neck to ease the numb. I was seating on the couch for 6 hours reading the book that I was just bought yesterday and it was really a nice read.
I check the time on the clock that hanging on the wall and its already 7pm when my stomach started grumling.

I stood up and went to the kitchen when my door bell rings. I headed to the door and check on the peephole who his visitor is and he saw God in front of his door. He grab the door knob and opened it. God smiled at him and show him the paper bags and what he seems is food. I smiled at him and mustered him to come inside.

''I bring you dinner..let's eat.'' God said and went his way into the kitchen. I closed the door and locked it then I followed him. He did not tell me that he will drop by.

''I bring your favourite Sushi bake. Let's eat.'' G said while he get a two plates and a spoon and fork and started rummaging on the paper bags he just bought.
'Hm..thank you. I was about to eat noodles for dinner. I forgot to order food earlier.'' I told him while I made myself busy on the food in front of me.
''Why you did not call me? I told you..if you need something you can call me anytime..I can always sway on your place.'' God answered while he pulled a chair and seated in front of me.
''I know,but I don't want to bother you.'' I said without looking at him. I scoop a sushi bake and shove it on his mouth so he can stop talking.
''Just eat Mr. Suppasit..'' I told him and I shoved another spoonful of sushi on my mouth. God hold my hand and squeeze it gently.
I stared at him and let him caressed my hand.

''I'm happy that you're back. I don't really know how I managed to live those 2 years of my life without you. Every day I missed you. I always spend time here on your condo so I can still feel your presence..I really thought I will not see you again.'' God said while he continue holding my hand. I looked at him and I feel his sincerity on his eyes.

''Thank you for being there for me. And when the time comes that I will remember everything..I hope you'll still understand me.
I don't really know what I felt for you before..and I just want to remember all of it. So I hope you'll not get tired waiting for me.''
I said.
''Yes,I will always wait for you Blue. And whatever happen I will stick with you.'' God answered while he holds my hands.
''Hm..ok lets eat now..I'm starving already.'' I told him smiling.
God let go my hands and we started eating too.

We finished eating and we decided to hang out in the balcony.
''So how is your day?'' God asked me while we both looking at the night sky.
''Hm..nothing much happened. I just finished reading the books we bought yesterday..and I think I need to get another book..I don't have books to read..''  I told him..G,looked at me with a confused face.
''Really? You bought 5 books just yesterday..how did you finished it all..you did not sleep?'' He asked me confused.
I just looked at him with a smug face and then I looked away.

''I don't know but I already finished it all.'' I answered him. G put his cup of tea in the table beside him and walked up to me.
He looked at me in the eyes and slowly hold my hand. I stared at him and just let him hold my waist. He pulled me toward him and pressed our forehead together.

G closed the gap between us and pressed his lips into mine..I feel his warm lips gently moving on my lips. I can sense the familiarity of his kiss but I can't remember when this happen. I just closed my eyes and feel the sweet sensation that G giving me I can feel the butterfly on my stomach. After a minute G let go of my lips and stared at me in the eyes. He pressed our forehead together while he cup my cheeks.

'I love you so much Blue.'' He said.

''Me too,I think.'' I said while I looked down but G hold my chin and make me stared on his eyes. He put a  kissed on my forehead and gives me his charming smile. I stared on his eyes and let out a sigh..

''I'll go now so you can rest..See you tomorrow. Hm? Goodnight."
"Hm. Goodnight" I answered.
God said and went his way to the door. I slump on the couch and sipped my tea. The image of G,kissing me flashes on my mind he was giving me this familiar feelings that I can't fathom.

I stood up and bring the two cups in the sink to washed it then I decided to take a shower and went to bed.

I was still on the bed when my phone rings. I checked the time and it just 9am.
I pick up my phone and checked who is calling but its just a number.
I decided to answer it.

"Hello?" I can just hear a hoarse voice in the line.
"Who is this?" I asked but no one answered. I was about to hang up the call when the person on the other line speak.
"Your Mom and Dad is with me.." I got shock when I heard him
"Who are you?! What do you want?!" I stood up from my bed and got panic I don't know what to do I was so worried of my parents.

"I'll give you what you want,just don't hurt my parents! Please!" I shouted on the phone. I can hear my mom screaming on the background.
"Really?" The man on the background said.
"Yes just tell me what you want!" I shouted.
"I need a 50million baht in 3hours..I'll text you the location. And remember this..don't you ever dare to report to the police or to anyone. I just want you only you that will bring the money or else your parents will be dead." The man said.

"I'll give it to you just don't hurt my mom and dad." I answered him but he already cut the line.

"Shit!" I changed my clothes into a black jeans and a white shirt and put on a jacket. I get the cheque on my drawer that my Dad gives me when I get home. I get a duffel bag and put the cheque inside and the small gun that I found on my unit when I cleaned. I put it at the back of my pants. I grab the key and went to the door.

I went straight to my car and started the engine. I drive to the bank and went straight to the manager.The manager looks suspiciously but when I showed him the cheque and the documents he felt as ease. I talk to him what I need and he gives me the form that I need to fill up. I was done signing it up when my phone started ringing.

It was God..
"Hello Blue..What's happening?" God asked.
"Nothing. I'm okay." I answered nervously.
"Just tell me what's happening okay?" God asked me I can sense his frustration but I can't tell him.
"I need to go now. Bye!" I hang up the call and after a minute the manager us back with the duffel bag..

I checked the bag and put my phone inside. And went outside of the bank straight to my car.

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