⨱𝕄𝕚𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕜|| 𝙏𝙚𝙣𝙢𝙖

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title: kenzō tenma x male reader
fandom: Monster
warning: blowjob
side note: might include spoilers, Y/n has nothing to do with the actual plot of the manga/anime

Third P.O.V

"That's quite the journey you went through, Doctor Tenma" a h/c haired male smiled at the other across from him
"I want it to end already..." The man at question sighed

"Anyway, you came to me why exactly?" The other male asked, leaning his cheek on into his palm as he sat in a confident position on his sofa in his apartment
"I was hoping to get some information from you, since some other person sent me directly to you" Tenma replied
The other male sighed "look man, I'm kinda busy right now. Plus I don't do stuff for free you know, living in time like this is hard"

"It's about Johan..." Tenma added
That seemed to spike the other's interest; his eyes widened and his posture got straight

Tenma nodded "I was told you might know a fair share about him"
A smile appeared on Y/n's face
"Ah Johan... You're not the first one to come here and ask about him" he chimed
"There was also this other person who coincidentally got directed to me. Anna was it?"

Tenma gasped "was she really here? Is she alright?"
The other male nodded "she seems better than fine. Such a shame she doesn't remember me..." He let out a sad pout

"To be honest, Johan was here also. Before the both of you even. He had such a nice smile on his face..." The boy daydreamed "... He really didn't change much throughout the years"
"Do you know where he's headed now?!" Tenma jumped from his seat, disregarding the reason why he came in the first place

"Oh my god, chill dude. Did you not hear me? I don't do stuff for free, and you're no excuse" Y/n threw his hands into the air in a defensive manner
Tenma sat back down, trying not to get distracted again

The other male looked out of the window near by "I still remember it like yesterday when I used to play with Johan and Anna. You know, me and them knew each other pretty well, and since I didn't have much friends I used to play with them. They were the only ones who willingly spent time with me. We were the same age and has similar interests so we got along just fine"
"Johan was the one who used to play with me the most, even now when we met he was super nice and open with me"

"Do you know the thinks he did?" Tenma's tone was dark
"Of course! Will I do anything with it? No. Anyway, I'll tell you the rest if you pay fairly" the boy had a smug smile on his face

Tenma sighed "do I look like a man who has money on him.."
"I mean, yeah. You all the way to Prague from Germany, and that ain't free" the other's fingers tapped on the chair
Tenma didn't respond to that, all the stuff with Grimmer would be too long to talk about. And time is precious at the moment

"Look, I don't have money right now. Is there other way?" Tenma suggested
A smirk creeps up on the other male's face "there is, but" he sighed "it's personal"

The black haired male didn't back down though, he'd do anything to get at least some info about Johan's whereabouts just so can end this game of cat and mouse
"I'll do it" he said

Y/n smiled "how nice"
His legs shifted into a man spread and started to unbuckle his belt

"Wait hold on!" Tenma stopped him "don't just get naked! I'm still here"
The other boy looked at him puzzled "but you said you'd do it? I thought you sucking me off would be a good pay"

A light pink appeared on Tenma's cheeks "what? I'm not even gay! Plus I don't have time for thi-"
He got cut off by the other "welp, then I guess I won't give you any info. What a shame"

Tenma took a second to think this through. He couldn't just suck other man's dick could he?? But it's worth the information isn't it??
He sighed and stood up, going over to where Y/n sat. He crouched down in front of the said male

A smile appeared on Y/n's lips "yay, I knew you could do it" he said as he slipped his pants down together with his underwear
His dick was already half hard for some reason
Tenma stared confused

It was the other man's turn to blush "don't stare like that, I'm like this only because you're my fucking type okay"
The atmosphere got kinda heavy
He covered himself with his hands after a while "it's no use! This is just embarrassing, forget it!"

Tenma took his hands and fucked them away "I'll do it, calm down. I just... Need to brace myself, it's the first time I'm doing this"
The other nodded, it was very awkward but hey, Tenma had to do this to get key information and maybe end all of this madness afterwards

Soon enough, his hand grabbed Y/n's length and pumped it a few times as he let out a satisfied sigh
Tenma leaned in and took his tip into his mouth, licking around the slit. He somehow knew what to do. Maybe it's because they are both men and understand what feels good

Tenma then took him inside of his mouth, brushing his tongue along the underside of his shaft
Y/n let out satisfied noises "o-oh you're really good at this doctor" he moaned as his hand got tangled between the other's long black locks

Soon, he bobbed his head up and down sending pleasure shivers down Y/n's spine. Y/n's toes curled at how surprisingly was Tenma good at this
It got even better when he hollowed his cheeks

His mind was racing, questioning reality and how he got here from trying to kill Johan

Y/n's voice got louder as he was getting close to his release "ah! Yeah, D-Don't stop" he moaned
Tenma's hands clenched on the other boy's thighs. Could feel that he'll cum soon and no way in hell was he going to swallow that

So his mouth released the dick with a lewd pop and his right hand took the rest of the task while the other played with the tip

And after a few blissful strokes, Y/n came with a loud moan and his cum spilled on the other's hand
The other stroked him a few times to get him from his high

Afterwards, Tenma went to was his hands into the bathroom and was his mouth wile the other pulled on his clothes again
When the black haired male got back into the room he spotted the h/c haired one sitting in his previous position as if nothing ever happened

"That was nice, we should do it again sometime~" he cooed as Tenma sat back down
"Will you tell me about Johan now?" Was the only thing that spilled from his mouth
The other hummed "almost forgot, to start off—"

𝕠𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤|| x Male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now