Chapter 10- Naruto...I'm so proud.

Start from the beginning

“Okay Sasuke, stand still a moment.” I said as I warmed up my hands and concentrated before gently placing my pointer finger upon his neck.

Since my last encounter with them, I was able to learn and master 3 different typed of medical nin-jutsu but I don’t have the right spell to get rid of this now…all I can do is ease the pain and expel the curse for a while.

I held one side of his neck with one hand and summoned a pink visible healing chakra to attack the curse with.

“Wow…I feel funny…” Sasuke said as he started to lose conscious.

“That’s right Sasuke, you’ll be alright now.” I said soothingly as I concentrated and began to attack the black curse. The swirls of pain soon disintegrated under my touch as I numbed Sasuke’s skin in the process. The scar was close to gone when Sakura soon awoke.

“Hey I remember you!!” Sakura squealed as she came to greet me.

“Hi Sakura! Just give me one moment.” I said as I finished up.

I laid Sasuke against the body of the tree and got up to glomp Sakura in a hug.

“Wow your body temperature is boiling!” She said as she looked curiously at me.

“Sorry, as a demon living in hell…that is coated with fire and lava, I tend run hot.” I said as I brush my hand through her long pink hair.

“I know I only met you once but you seem like a sister to me!” She said as she hugged me again.

“Random…I wonder why you guys are so attached to me all of a sudden…I only met you once.”  I said.

“Well Kakashi told us that you were a very important person and that we should treat you with respect but also try and avoid you a bit since he said you told him that you were a killing machine…” Sakura said.

I didn’t say killing machine…I told him to treat me as a rouge ninja…not a killing machine! But wait…what’s the difference anyways….

“You fail at following orders…” I said.

“I know but if you were going to hurt us, you would have when I was unconscious. What did you do to Sasuke and where is Naruto?” She asked as she looked around.

“I expelled Sasuke’s curse for the time being until my jutsu wears off and it starts effecting  him again but I doubt Kakashi will allow that and Naruto is fighting Gaara.” I said as I looked up and saw that Gamabunta has transformed into the nine tails to get a grip on Shukaku. This scene alarmed me a bit since I haven’t seen the nine tails in person for years but I then realized that it was only a gen-jutsu spell to help them grasp Shukaku.

“Nicely done Naruto.” I said as I watched.

“Wow! What is Naruto doing!?” Sakura asked in panic.

Naruto jumped from the frog and bashed his head into Garras…

“Um well that is one way to wake the guy up I suppose…” I mumbled.

“Oh my gosh! We need to do something!?” Sakura said in the same panicked tone as she was about to jump off the branch.

I grasped her hand and pulled her back to keep her in place.

“No Sakura. It is too dangerous so I will go and get Naruto.” I said soothingly as I looked at her.

“Well when you do, you better come back this time.” Sakura said as she looked seriously at me.

“I will. I won’t leave yet…unless I’m forced.” I said before jumping onto a higher branch.

I looked over the trees to see that Shukaku has turned into sand and Gamabunta was dismissed due to Naruto low chakra. They both began to fall from a great height…

“No Naruto!” I yelled as I tried to get to him before he fell to his death.

I watched him fall but luckily the wind that blew from Gamabunta’s dismissal pushed the boys into a tree top. I was able to get to them but I stopped when Naruto spoke.

“It seems that I have run out of chakra. And from the looks of it, so have you. You and I are very much a like….more than you know.” Naruto said as blood drizzled down his cheek from his forehead.

Suddenly the trees shook from the wind and knocked them to the ground. I jumped down but stopped when Naruto began to inch his way over to Gaara using his chin to drag him along…

“No stay away!” Gaara warned with fear.

“It’s almost unbearable…isn’t it…the thought of being alone. I know that feeling well…I know exactly how it feels to be in that dark and lonely place …” Naruto said as he continued.

“No…Naruto…” I said quietly as I began to tear up.

“But now there are others…other people that I cherish…I care more about them then I do about myself. That is why I will never let anyone hurt them…even if you tried, I would kill you!” Naruto said with a hint of anger.

“Naruto don’t push yourself…” I said quietly to myself once more.

“But why, why would you care about anyone but yourself?” Gaara asked.

“I care about them because they were the first to care about me! They care about me for who I am. They are my friends.”

“I see now…Naruto…you learned something very valuable.” I said before appearing before them.

“Naruto.” I said as I walked towards him.

“Kiki sensei!” Naruto said with a very weak smile.

“Everyone is alright now. You don’t have to push yourself.” I said calmly as I kneeled in front of him.

Soon Gaara’s siblings came to protect him.

“That is enough. The battle is over now.” Gaara said.

Just then, Naruto passed out from exhaustion.

The sand ninja helped Gaara up and left but I can’t help but think that he too is a troubled soul that felt no love as a child. I was worried that Naruto would turn up just like him as he grew but I know that the leaf shinobi are good and accept anyone who lives with them…they are one big family.

I looked down at Naruto again and noticed that he was smiling in his sleep.

“Well this day turned out in one big mess.” I said as I carefully turned Naruto over and placed him carefully on my back to sleep comfortably. I must take him back over to the others and heal him a bit before making my way back to Konoha…although, it won’t be the same without Sarutobi there anymore.


Awe Naruto has grown into an adorably lovable friend. Kiki is a very proud Onee-Chan. Anywho sorry for the delays…I have a huge essay due soon so I’m slowly trying to update. As soon as it gets to be the first week of FEburary, I should start posting again in a faster pace. Thanks for reading and please comment!  =3        

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It's Not Gen-Jutsu...But Reality. (A Kakashi Romance &lt;3)Where stories live. Discover now