Chapter 26

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Mature content in this chapter I usually don't give warnings from here on out there won't be unless specifically asked to give them!

Finally home on the ranch and even though I have a pounding headache I couldn't be happier! I'm standing in the barn currently giving my sweet sweet boy Atlas some much needed loving! I even brought him his favorite treat twizzlers the normal strawberry kind! I can't help but smile when he nudges me for more he is getting so much better even in the short time he has been here you can see the improvements the life in his eyes shining bright the spunk he has when let out into the paddock running around and found out he loves when it rains because rain means mud which he can gladly roll around in. (Watch video) after his fun in the mud he has to get a bath which he likes to paw at the ground to try and stir up more mud unfortunately for him the washing station is on rough councreat with rubber pads to keep the horses from slipping! He then goes into a stall to dry and hopefully by the time he gets let out agin the mud is now just dry dirt. I give him one last treat a kiss on the nose and head inside to get started on what the heck I'm going to do to generate income! Lucky for me Knox did boundaries and there is nothing wrong with the fence so I'm good to go there and since the land is devided up into mutiple sections

I think I could do a joint venture! I know for a fact raising cattle around here generates good money along with sheep so I could raise them on one half of the land on the other half I could use for horses since I do plan on having more than just Atlas and then I want to do something no one around here does I want to raise Caribou not only for the meat but they can be trained just like horses and use that to my advantage come winter caribou are also known as reindeer we can section of so many acres ans start to grow our own Christmas trees and eventually come 5 years down the road can start selling them but until then I can buy in bulk from out of town grower at a discounted price and then sell them to the people here as well as market a picture with Santa and his reindeer it sounds like the perfect operation because in the other months we have the cattle and sheep bringing in the income the other is just an added bonus!

Now to just bring into play thank goodness I didn't have to spend my savings on this place because my savings is bout to go towards buying good quality Cattle from diffrent lines so that I can create my own line my own brand per say. Same thing with sheep and then I'll have to find out the best place on the land to use for the tress and get to planting those and then I need to buy the reindeer and lastly more horses some will be reduces but I need some good quality ranch horses! And then I need chickens for the coop and turkeys but one step at a time first I need to tell knox the plan!

I look around the house and frown he wasn't supposed to go anywhere I don't think plus the dr said I can't be alone as if! I walk outside and look around and smile when I see him walking across the yard with two bags in his hands

"Figured I'd need more clothes" he gruffly says as my eyes scan his body he has his shirt off and boy do I like this look he has his worn blue jeans hanging off his hips and you can clearly see the v point to somewhere I shouldn't be thinking about

"Clothes, right yea um you might need those" I manage to get out my face heating up damn me why do I do this to myself! I watch Knox eye me then smirk and wink at me as he walks into the house this man just winked at me! He so knew I was checking him out good because as he walks away I can watch his ass in those jeans! Nothing better in this world than a nice ass in blue jeans or uniform!

After he walks In I follow and head up stairs where I spot him hanging up his uniform but that's not what catches my eye no what catches my eye is the fact that he has apparently already made multiple trips!

"When did you do all this" I ask motioning to all the stuff

"While you where on your laptop and then when you went and saw Atlas" he tells me and I nod

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