Chapter 3.

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Grandpa, mom and me make it to the Eaton's ranch and as we pull up I'm shocked how can atlas go from a place like this so beautiful and classy to how I got him I'm just shocked! As we all get out Hannah comes up to me giving me a hug and now I feel even worse ever since I got out of college I sort of have lost contact with my friends not on purpose its just after Nado and everything before that my only solice was being on the farm.  I would do my chores and daily jobs and then go into my bedroom and read sometimes I would even write poems. My friends would message me but I always kept things short I think they knew something was up but didn't know how to ask except for Molly and Jessie the never leave me alone and will pry and pry tell they get an answer where as Hannah has never been the pushy type of friend.

"Hi Hannah, how are you?" I ask for

"i am good, what are you doing over" she says back

"Um, we actually came to talk to you Mom and pop regrading a horse that I got today" I tell her and her smile widens I

"You got a new horse, that's amazing I can't wait to see him or her, but why do you need to see Mom and pop about a horse you got" Hannah asks me

"The parents to the horse I have are from here" I tell her and her eyes go wide

"Really but how did you get it"

" I got him at an auction today he is a year and a half old and came from Windy and Shelby" I tell her and her hand goes to her mouth

"Are you talking about Duke, we just sold him to a couple a few states over like 3 months ago"  she says that

"well they treated him like shit and I am pretty sure once your ma and Pa see the photos they won't be happy either, Gramps already wants to kill them as well as everyone out on the ranch" I say to her

"how bad is he can I see the pictures" she asks me

"I don't think it's a good idea, not because I want to hide it from you but it's very bad I cried looking at them Mom almost vommited he is currently in like critical condition from what Betty says" I tell her trying to be companionate I know Hannah loves all the horse here and always gets attached to the new ones born here.

"Mom and grandpa just wanted to talk to your parents to get any information you had on him like shots and that and then pretty sure Gramps wants to know the people who had him, that kinda scares me Grandpa mad is scarry" I say and Hannha nods her head

"Your Grandpa not mad is scarry I don't want to be around when he is mad" she says cussing me to laugh

"he isn't Scarry just when mad, when he isnt mad he is like a big teddy bear soft and cuddly" I say and she giggles shaking her head

"who is a big teddy bear" Mom asks walking up to us girls

"Grandpa when he isn't mad" I say which makes my mom laugh

"Only you would describe your Grandpa as a teddy bear" she says laughing "but Hannahs parents are ready to talk come on let's go get all the information we can on your boy" Mom says

"call me later and I promise I'll answer" I tell Hannah as I head inside to her dad's office when I make it inside I'm not surprised to see all the awards they have gotten Hannah's family is one of the more richer families around here. But she doesn't act all preppy and show off that she comes from a wealthy family.

"what can I do for you" Wes says speaking to my grandpa Wich aggravates me there are two other people in this room who also came to talk to him and his wife.

"Well" I say cutting my grandpa off causing him to glare at me and my mom to hold her breath

"I came here to get information on a horse that you bred,  I got him today at an auction over in Westview and he is in horrible shape, on his paper work it states that his parents are Windy and Shelby and since  I have been friends with your daughter since I was in diapers I also know that those two are your prized horses, what I want to know is how one of your horses ended up at an auction house fighting for his life" I state in one breath and more I talk the more angry I get and I have to remind myself to stay calm.

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