Chapter 4.

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Today is the day! Today I am taking Atlas out into the round pen for the first time. to many this sounds like not a big deal but for my baby it is a huge deal for him. I even had a halter made just for him it's a soft rope halter! It's made from very durable and high quality 1/4 inch yacht braid! The halter is also made with a paracord nose band! The main color is a teal with the nose band being teal, white black and brown in a triangular pattern! I wanted to use a soft halter because it's lighter and it won't rub his face the wrong way I also made it adjustable so that as he gets stronger we can use this halter and eventually work up to a different style!

I hurriedly eat my breakfast and run out the house and go to Bettys when I reach Bettys house I see a truck parked in the driveway that I don't recognize but ignore it as I go to the barn. I walk up to Atlas stall and see him staring at me he walks up to me and nudges me making me laugh, he noses my pocket and I shake my head he just wants the goodies in my pocket!
I open his stall and step in I start to pet him

"Good boy Atlas you read to go out to the pen today huh big boy wanna give that a try" I ask him as I let him sniff the halter

"See it's not scary" I say as I slip it on him when he allows me to do that I give him a carrot 🥕

I then hook the teal lead rope to his halter and open the door leading outside I walk him down the little aisle we made with panels

"Good boy Atlas your doing such a great job " I praise him, his ears flickering around listening to the sounds

When we make it the round pen I open the gate and walk in and then shut it behind me! I then give him another carrot for being such a good boy.

"That's such a good boy" I say as I walk him around the pen a few times on the lead rope

once he seems to be doing okay I unhook the lead rope. I then grab a twizzler and watch his ears perk up and now I have his sole attention and laugh as he walks towards me I step back and walk around the pen and then I'll stop and let him come to me

"That's my big boy, mommy loves you so much" I praise him

I repeat the process walking around and letting him come to me sometimes he will get a treat other times I give him a scratch behind his ears he seems to be doing amazing and I'm watching for sighn of him getting tired!  I decide to do a couple more rounds before I call it a day and let him go back up to the stall that is until I truck comes barrling down Bettys driveway music blaring and skids to a stop my eyes focus on Atlas who has his ears back is pacing

""It's okay boy, it's okay" I repeat with my hands up as I try and make my way to the gate that will let him go up the panel shoot to his stall

"Whoa boy, whoa" I say as he starts kicking and snorting  I slightly turn as I get near the gate when I hear my name

"Bailey watch out" I hear being yelled as I turn Atlas is running my way stomping and bucking I scramble backwards and hurry under the railing right as he gets to me my adrenaline is so high I don't even know if he got me I'm pulled to my feet by someone but pay them no attention I run to the gate and finally unlatch it and watch Atlas run back to the stall I run up there and shut the outside gate once that's done and I know he is safe I turn on my heels and and storm to the group of guys standing by the truck. 3 of the boys I know josh Kyle and Keagan, the other 4 no clue who they are! Josh steps toward me hands out as a way to slow me down but that's not going to work, my chest is rising and falling fast my fist are clinched and one of these ass holes are about to be castrated!

"Which one you mother fuckers just came barreling in here like a wannabe badass" I yell, the men just look around before pointing to a man who is muscular I'll give him that short blonde hair blue eyes which make me scoff cliché much he stands about 6 foot but definitely not intenadating at least not to me! He hold his hands up in surrender as I walk up squaring him up it probably looks hilarious considering how short I am!

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