Chapter 18

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I wake up the next morning after another night of sleep I don't understand how I can sleep so soundly next to him! I don't understand the rush of emotions I get when he is around and the tingles I feel when he touches me or I touch him! I first thought maybe it was that old crush coming back but I don't know anymore and then what he told me last night does he see me as more than just a friend does he have the same feelings as I did all those years ago! I'm so confused and I want answers but I don't know who to talk to or if I should talk to anyone!

Right now none of that matters what matters is me getting Atlas moved over to my ranch and then I need to get my bed moved and then buy food to stock up the kitchen and go get feed for atlas then I need to go have the new sign for the ranch made and good lord I need to make a list I'll never rember all this! I grab a piece of paper and write

1. Call and have bedding for atlas stall delivered
2. Go to town and get feed
3. Grab groceries while in town
4. Buy a new bedroom set
5. Get new sighn made
6. Move atlas to my barn
7. Look into business options

First thing first I call and get the bedding set up to be delivered to the ranch and then I grab my keys and head out. Im guessing Knox got up early for work because he isn't here and I'm grateful I don't know what I would say to him anyway.

Once in town I decide to get the sign made first and then I head to the grocery store and starting from one end making my way to other end I need to stock my cabinets and my fridge and freezer since I don't like coming to the store often. Once I get everything I think I need plus maybe some things I don't need I load my carts Yupp that's right carts 3 to be exact after I load all that I head to the feed store and get a few bags of feed and schedule hay to be delivered to the ranch as I'm walking towards my truck I pass by the ally and freeze!

Noah is in the ally kissing Kyle at first I'm shocked and then I'm straight up pissed off like I don't care that they like eachother but behind my back that's low!

"Kyle mom wants you home" I yell as I turn around not even waiting to see how they react as I make my way to my truck and hop in and drive back to my ranch

Once I'm back I get all the groceries put away and the other things I bought for the house and then I head outside and get the stall up and ready for Atlas once that's done it's time for lunch so I go into the kitchen and start making a sandwich when I hear the door open and shut the thing about my family is they don't knock

"Sis you in here" I here Kyle yells but I don't answer as I see him walk into the kitchen

"Can we talk" he asks me and I shrug my shoulders

"Baileigh" he says and I look at him

"You can talk pretty sure you have been doing it for years now" I retort causing him to sigh

"Look I know what you saw and that it looks bad" he starts to say and I cut him off

"Don't you dare start trying to say it's not what it looks like! You where kissing my best friend! And neither of you had the balls to tell me! How long has this thing been going on between you two because y'all looked offly cosey" I snap

"Like a month or so, look don't be mad at her I'm the one who said not to tell you" he says and I laugh I don't know why either

"Yea well good luck" I say to him turning my back and taking a deep breat

"Bails" he pleads

"What Kyle! I'm not mad that y'all are together or fooling around whatever the hell y'all are doing I'm mad because you didn't have the guts to tell me! What if the roles was reversed Kyle and you saw me making out with your best friend!" I ask him

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