Chapter 24

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(Baileigh pov)

I woke up completely confused my head hurts and I'm in a hospital one my biggest fears is hospitals! I know I called out for Knox I know he is right next to me! I know the doctor tried to get him to leave but I threw a fit I also know that he won't leave me!

"Baileigh can you tell me your full name" the dr asks me and I go to nod my head but stop it hurts to bad what the hell happened

"Baileigh Grace Walker" I state

"And your date of birth"

"December 24th" I state

"And year" he asks me and I groan

"Don't you have the year in your damn chart! I know it's 2021 I'm at the hospital the man standing next to me is my significant other and his name is Knox Jamison Karmicheal, my mother is Jill I have two brothers Josh and Kyle!" I state and the doctor just nods his head at my rant

"Okay Baileigh do you know how you got here" he asks

"I know a girl attacked me and after that I don't rember much" I state

"Do you know the girl" he asks and I scoff

"Who doesn't know her she is the towns biggest well ladies man" I say trying to be polite making Knox laugh

"Stacey Holden she is my brothers age so around 26 or something like that she hit me as I was walking out of the restroom with my friend and I don't know why she hit me but I do know I hit her back" I say

"Damn right you did knocked her out to glad to see my lessons played off" he says and I smile at him but the doctor just looks very uncomfortable

"When can I go home" I ask the doctor

"We want to keep you here for at least a day if not longer just monitor your head" he says and I groan causing Knox to laugh at me and I want to slap it out of him but that requires moving and it hurts to move!

"I live on a farm shit don't just stop because I'm held up here is there anyway I can go home" I say to the dr in what I think is a sweet voice but by the look on Knox's face I'm not doing what I think I am

"I am sorry but the answer is no! I will see you in the morning on rounds until then a nurse will check in periodically to see how your doing" he says and just leaves can I stab him with my iv is that like an arrestsble afences I look to Knox to see him already looking at me and I huff out air making my hair move slightly and for him to chuckle

"It's not funny how I am to do anything stuck in here" I whine as he walks up to me and grabs my hand and I look at him while trying to not freak out have I said I hated hospitals yea big fear like why punish me!

"You have lots of people to help just tell us what to do and we will do it Bails" he says to me and I want to believe him but I can't

"But it won't be right" I say making him laugh at me and I look at him confused

"Bails as of right now your mom is taking care of Atlas your grams packed up your room and sent it to your house and I have instructed your brothers to ride your boundary fences to make sure it's all in check! You see everything is taken care of" he tells me and I start to relax till the machine starts to beep and freaks me out as my body heart rate increases causing the alarms to get louder and I put my hands over my ears and draw my legs to my chest as the tightness in my chest gets worse my vision starts to blur and I hear muffled shouts but one stands out and I try and focus on that one voice and slowly the voice becomes more clear

"Baileigh your safe, your safe Cowgirl I'm right here" I hear Knox saying to me as my body starts to calm down and I see a nurse with a needle about to put it in my iv and start to panic again causing me to rip out my iv I see another nurse run in the room to try and subdue me

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