Chapter One - New Friends & Malasadas

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You put your heavy suitcase against the beige wall of your new room. After catching your breath, you flopped onto the comfy bed, exhausted.

The airport was busy and swarming with people, which drained all the energy out of you and your mom. You nearly missed the flight to Alola since you bought so many snacks last-minute. When you finally landed in the colorful paradise, you spent around an hour looking for the exit; asking for directions. After sorting that out, the driver who'd be taking you home, left. With no other choice, you and your mom had to walk all the way home in the scorching sun.

So, on the bright side, you didn't starve, and the moving trucks took care of your things (all but your suitcase). However, you knew you had to eat something other than pancakes and pretzels for breakfast.

Not feeling hungry quite yet, you looked around your near-empty room. Your eyes traveled to the window which overlooked a mysterious and vast beach. Usually, beachfront views were expensive, but your house only had a kitchen, 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom, making it cheaper than most.

After you decided there were better things to do than lay in bed, you opened your black leather suitcase. In it, there was your phone, M&M's (you have your obsessions), clothes, sketchbooks, and the brand-new Pokedex your mom bought. You took it out from its bag, observing it.

It wasn't very different from the other versions. The bright red device had better graphics and more information about Pokemon, but still, not too different. As you started to put it back in your suitcase, you noticed something under where it had been. It was a picture frame of your old friends. As you held it up, you wondered if you'd ever see them again. You shoved the thought aside and clamped your suitcase closed.

This was a fresh new start in a fresh new house, and it was your first day in Alola! Despite the jet-lag, you were going to make the most of it.. But what were you going to do...?

"Y/N!" The sound of your mother's voice filled the house. "Y/N, come get your breakfast!"

In haste, you pulled your scarlet backpack out from your closet. You stuffed a few journals, Pokeballs and your Pokedex in it. As you put the last Pokeball away, your stomach dropped. You held it to your forehead gently.

"Everything's gonna work out, I promise," You whispered, grinning. "Let's be good friends."

With the calls of your mother increasing by the second, you put the Pokeball back in your bag, zipped it up, and ran out of the bedroom. In the kitchen waited your mom. Her hair color was the same as yours; (H/C). She wore a bright yellow apron along with very oversized oven-mitts. You watched her flip a pancake off the griddle before putting it on your plate. You picked out some fruit and bacon she prepared minutes ago.

You had no clue she was on the phone until she tossed it onto the counter in frustration. The caller hung up.

"Did Rainbow Happy Resorts call again?" You asked, shoveling pancakes into your mouth. Her expression didn't loosen.

"Yes, along with your father," She replied, putting an unwanted pancake onto your plate. Nevertheless, you ate it right up.

"The beach looks beautiful," You remarked, changing the subject.

"I'm sure your father would think the same," Your mother huffed, placing her hands on her hips.. "all he talks about is nature, nature, nature."

When she noticed your disappointed expression, she put a hand warmly on your shoulder.

"I'm sorry, honey-- we shouldn't be talking about this, anyway. And you don't need to worry about Viren. So, it's a big day for you, huh?"

You smiled up at her.

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