Chapter 31

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Now I get to have my last laugh. I took his territory. I took his money making field. Now I was going to take his cartel and his life. As we drove to his hacienda, I had to tell Luis to stay in the car.

"You have to stay in the car." I said.

"No, I'm going with you." He said.

"If he sees you in there with me he will kill you just so he can get back at me." I said. 

"I can defend myself from him. I won't let you go in there alone. Thats more dangerous." He said.

I stay silent. He wasn't going to listen to me either way. We drive up into Emiliano's drive way. It was completely alone in the driveway. His front door was wide open. This could be a trap. I felt this nervous tension in my spine. We all get out of the car.

"Armando, Hasashi, and Jesus take the back." I said and they head toward the back. It was good to know I had friends I can count on. The rest of us head into the front entrance. I see it was all a mess inside. Like if there has been a raid or something. It was alone, no guards no nothing. They were probably out in the field trying to defend it still. 

We head up to his office to maybe where he will be at. 

"Veronica, Tio. look to see if he might be in the rooms. Me and Luis will take the office." I tell them. They nod and they head off.

Me and Luis lift up our guns as we head into the office door. We stop in front of it. Luis and I look at each other. We nod and barge in. We look around for a few minutes. He was nowhere to be seen. Where the fuck could he be. I heard gunshots inside the house. 

"What the fuck was that?" Luis asked.

"Maybe he still inside. I'l-" before I could finish I see Emiliano grab Luis from behind. Emiliano was all messy and had blood on his hands. There were gunshots inside the house again. Then 2 men bring out my uncle and Veronica tied down. I see that my uncle was stabed in the stomach. Blood pouring out. 

"Tio-" I said and one of the men points his gun at me. while the other takes my weapon. 3 more 12th members some in and have Hasashi, Armando, and Jesus have them tied. 

"They almost killed the last of my guards. Good thing we were able to capture them before they did." Emiliano said while having Luis in a choke hold with a knife on his throat. Luis squirms around, but Emiliano has him in a tight hold. 

"I told you not to FUCKING MESS WITH ME!!!" Emiliano said. 

"You ruined my life ok. You were the one that killed my family." I said. clenching my jaw. 

"Your fucking miserable family took from me too." He said. I kept looking at my uncle. I didn't want him to die. I didn't want either of them to die. 

"Now I found out that That one over there is your cousin. Him. his name is Armando right." Said Emiliano pointing at Armando.

"Don't fucking do it." I said. He nods at one of his men and shots Armando in the head.

"NO!" I yelled. Then Emiliano signals his men to shoot Jesus. One of the men doesn't hesitate and does it. 

I couldn't really do anything. If I made a move he would defiantly kill them all at once. I can't save them all at once. Both their bodies drop to the ground. 

"Just kill me and let them go." I said.

"No. It's too late for that. Like I said before I don't want to kill you. I want to kill your mind. I want to destroy you." He said. Now it was just Veronica, my uncle, Hasashi, and Luis. Tears started to roll down my face. They were really all I had. 

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