Chapter 21

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Days pass by since what Luis's dad told me. I still don't know what to do with that situation. My uncle and Veronica suggested to just wait but I was a little off about it.
I sent my men out to get some more 12th street members for me. I was going to kill them since Emiliano thought it was funny to steal money from us. Also cause I was blood thirsty. Once you kill you never stop.

Carlos informed me that that as we slowly took their territory they lost a whole bunch of money. They were getting desperate. Slowly losing there grip on this country.

I decided to pay a visit to Luis's parents. I didn't tell him I was going. I wanted to go alone. Mostly cause I wanted to talk to his dad.
I make myself look presentable. I got my make up on. I'm wearing a black pantsuit with a white blouse and some boots. I put on my sunglasses.
I arrive at their front door. As always my men stand by if anything happens. I knock on their door. Then Mrs. Ortega, Luis's mom, opens the door.
"Hello. I wasn't expecting you. Come. Come in please." She said.
I give her a smile as I walk in. I take of my sunglasses and out them in my pocket.
"Please sit. I'll get us some pan dulce and cafe." She said.
"Thank you" I said as I take a seat. Then Mr. Ortega come out of his room and looks straight at me. I freeze for a moment. I didn't know what to say.
"Well. I see your here to talk to me right? Or am I wrong?" He said.
"No. Your right. Your wife was the one who opened the door for me. She went to the kitchen." I said.
"Mmmm. I guess you wanted to talk about what I told you yesterday. Tell me. Is my boy in any of this mess." He asked.
"No. He just helps me in my ascienda. Nothing more. He's not involved in my business." I said. I was lying. I didn't want them knowing he did work in my cartel.
"Good. I don't want him to get caught up in that shit. I also know your a dangerous person. Ruthless killer." He said. He layes down some photos of the dead, dismantled bodies I have killed.
"You have no proof. You can't prove I did any of that." I said. He knew I was right.
"But eventually I'll find something." He said putting away the photos as Mrs. Ortega came in with some food and cafe.
"Oh this looks good." Mr. Ortega said.
I knew he changed the subject because Mrs. Ortega didn't know. If he wasn't going to tell her. Then I was.
"Mrs. Ortega, do you know how I really am? Like do you know who my family really is?" I asked her.
"Well you said they died in a car crash. Why?" She said. Mr. Ortega eyed me.
"That's not true. I'm Maria Mendez. My father was Pablo Mendez. The former leader of the León Cartel. Now I'm the new leader of the cartel." I said. Her eyes widened. I look at her very seriously. Almost as I was going to rip her soul right out with the stare. Mr. Ortega wasn't happy with me telling her.
"So you-." She said but didn't finish.
"And your husband knew about me. He threatened to go after me. I'm just warning you, Mr. Ortega that I'm not a person to be mess with." I said and I stand up. Mr. Ortega stood up as well.
"I don't need your warning. I'm going after you and the 12th street." He said.
I start to go for my gun at my side. He notices. "You don't have the guts to kill me. You couldn't do that t-." Before he could finish I grasp my hand around his throat. I bring him close to my face and hold the barrel of the gun near his face.
"Listen to me alright. Don't tell me what I can and can't do. And yes. I do have the guts to kill you. If it ever came down to it I would. I wouldn't hesitate one bit. I'm going to say this again. Apparently you didn't listen the first time, don't fucking mess with me." I say. Then I let go of him and push him aside. I grab my purse and put on my sunglasses. I open the door and look back.
"Don't fucking mess with me. You don't want to know what I'll do with you if your on my bad side.... oh. If I couldn't kill you because of Luis. Your wrong. If I had the guts to pull a gun to your face and come here to threaten you. Then I can fucking kill you." I said. I walk out the door. I notice Fernanda playing with some kids. She notices me and walks up to me with her group of friends.

"Hey. What brings you here? Did Luis come with you?" She asked me.
"No I came by myself. Who are all these small people." I asked Fernanda as I hugged her.
"Oh these are my friends. We are just missing someone." She said.
"Oh really who?" I asked.
"The little girl I was talking about yesterday. Her daddy was killed by drug lords. The police told her that he was part of the 12th street. And they say he disrespected the leader of the León. I don't know really." She said.
I wasn't surprised this time. She was talking to the killer. Me.
I go in my puse and give each of the children money.
"Here. Go buy yourselves something." I said. They thank me and they run on to the market. I send a message to Veronica and my uncle on what Mr. Ortega said to me. I go to my car and drive home.
As soon as I step into my house, Luis shows up near the door.
"Did you threaten my dad?" He said.
I didn't expect him to ask so suddenly.
"Yes. Only because he threatened me." I said.
"You told him you would kill him. Really Maria. That's my dad you were taking to." He said.
"Yeah I fucking know that but I needed to control him." I said.
"Either way Maria. You shouldn't have done that." He said.
"Maybe we wouldn't have this problem if you never insisted on being part of this." I said. I was right. Maybe his dad wouldn't have had his life threatened by me. I don't know about Emiliano but surely he would kill him too.
"Doesn't matter. He's my family. It's like if you were going to kill me too." He said.
Then out of nowhere he asks. "Would you kill me?"
I though about it for a few seconds. Before I could answer.
"Yes. If it ever cam down to it I would. Maybe that way you wouldn't have to suffer this life." I said.
"Really?" He said.
"Yes!!! I would! You know there is only one way out of this and it's death." I said.
"Well I might just run away then." He said walking out, but then I pull out my gun and point it at him. He stops. Eyes in shock.
"You would really shoot me because I would leave." He said.
"Yes because you know to much. Your deep shit into this now Luis. If you fucking ever run away. I will hunt you down in every corner of the world you fucking understand. Like I said the only way to leave is death. The dead don't talk." I said. I lower my gun. Luis just stands still. We stare at each other.
I guess he never knew it would go out like this. What did he expect. Everyone being nice to each other. No this was fucking brutal. Nice people don't make it here.

My phone rings. It's the phone I use to communicate with Carlos. I pick it up.
"Is Luis with you?"
"Yes. Why?" I asked.
"Emiliano has Luis's dad held hostage." Carlos said. What? This couldn't be happening.
"At a hangar near Emiliano's house. I sent you the directions." He said.
Luis looks in suspicion.
"Just his dad or his mother and sister?" I asked.
"Just his dad. I don't know about his mother or sister. I have to go. I'll keep you updated." Carlos said.
This couldn't be.
"What is it?" Luis asked.
"Luis. Emiliano has your dad held hostage." I said.
His eyes widen.
"We Vance to go get him." He said. I stop him. "First we will go to your house and check if your mother and sister are there and if they are ok. I'll get my men ready to come with me to rescue him." I said.
"I'll go with you to rescue him." He said.
"No it's to dangerous. I'll have Veronica and Jesus come with me and my men." I said.
"No im going with you guys." He said. I didn't try to argue with him. But I knew I had to make him stay.
"Fine" I said.

We head to the armory and grab guns and knives. I also grab smoke grenades. As my men were arming up. I also put on my vest underneath my blouse.
Luis and my men were ready. Veronica and Jesus were going to meet me at the hangar later. My uncle, Diego, and Alex were out check up on our new territory.
I get in the driver seat and Luis in the passenger seat. I drive like a maniac when it come to these types of situations.

We arrive at his house and we race to his door. It was open and we all walk in.
"Mom!!!! Fernanda!!!! Mooooommmm!" Luis yelled.
I notice something on the ceiling sticking out. It was some kind of sting. I pull on it and it revealed a door.
"Luis. Come here!" I said.
He runs toward one of the bedrooms. I climb up the door and I see his mother and sister huddled up together. It was some kind of attic room.
"Luis their up here!" I said.
I help them out. Luis hugs them both tightly.
"Are you guys ok? Did they hurt you? What happened?" He asked. Mrs. Ortega stepped away from me. She probably was scared of me after what I did today.
"Your father went out. He said he was going to spy on the 12th street cartel. I told him not to since what Maria said to him. But you k w how he is stubborn. Then he texted me saying we had to go up to the attic room. What happened to him?" Mrs. Ortega asked.
"He's been kidnapped by the 12th street cartel." He said.
Mrs. Ortega start to cry. Luis hugs her in comfort. He pulls away.
"It's ok. Me and Maria are going to rescue him." He said. This was the perfect time to stop him from coming with me.
"Yeah about that." I said then I grab him around his neck and pressure point him until he fell unconscious.
Mrs. Ortega screams.
"He'll be fine. I'm not letting him come it's to dangerous." I said.
I signal one of my men to come.
"Take them three to the ascienda. They'll be safe there. Make sure they don't leave the safe room until I come back ok." I said. He nodded and took Luis, his mother and sister to the black van.

I get in my car and so do my men. I was going to rescue Luis's dad. I had to save him for Luis. I didn't want him to be like me. Having no family. Having to live everyday with out them. Waking up afraid. Having nightmares that keep you up at night.

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