Chapter 27

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*mature scene*
We stop at a very nice looking tattoo shop.
"Every time I get a tattoo in the U.S I go here." Veronica said. We get out of the car and I look at the tattoo parlor. The outside was cool. It was black building with multi color lights around the name of it. We go inside and it's so clean that the floor shines and shows your reflection. There were many designs around the wall. It smelled really good inside.

We head to the counter we're their was a guy with full arm and neck tattoos and a SnapBack hat.
"How can I help you guys today?" He said.
"I want to get a tattoo today. Or well several." I said. My uncle side eyes me.
"You know what kind of design you want. If you'd like we got some you can look at?" He said.
"I got some ideas actually." I said. I pull out my phone and show him some photos.
"Alright I'll get everything ready." He said and walks back to the chair.
"What you gonna get.?" Asked Veronica. I show her the photos. One has a hand tattoo as skeleton. The other has a snake wrap around a forearm. Then the other had a crown. Then the last one had flowers and a black rose.
"That's cool." She said.
"Did you ask me if you could." My uncle said.
"I don't need to ask you. I'm grown up." I said and smiled.
"Mmmmmmhhhhmm." He said.
"I'm ready." The tattoo artist said.
He walks me to the chair. Veronica, my uncle, and Luis stay in the lounge. I sit on the chair and show him the photos.
"You want the hand skeleton on the right or left hand?" He asked.
"Right." I said.
"And the flower one on that same arm?"
"Yeah on my right yeah." I said.
"Then the snake and the crown on your left?"
"Yeah." I said.
He starts and I can feel the needle go into my skin. I thought it would hurt more but I didn't.
After a few hours he finishes the tattoos. He puts some soap to make sure it was clean.
"How do they look?" He asked.
They looked really good. I liked them a lot.
"I like them." I said.
Although they did hurt a little, but they would heal so whatever. I payed him and then I went into the lounge.
"Well.." Veronica said.
I showed them my tattoos.
"They suite you." Luis said.
"I'm going to get more but later on." I said.
"I always find it fun getting tattoos. Maybe we could get matching ones one day." Veronica said.
"I think I would love that." I said smiling.
We head to the car and drive off.
"We still have a few more hours to kill." Said Luis. Then I remembered that my uncle wanted me to take him to where my dad would take me to see the stars.
"I know a place." I said.
About 20 minutes later we arrive. It got a little darker out. But the sky was amazing to look at. It took us all by the breath. I sit on top of the hood of the car by my uncle. Veronica and Luis sit by the railing.
"He would tell me all the stars represent someone who use to live. That one day we may all reunite in the sky." I said. My uncle smiled.
"Our parents would tell us that too. I remember your dad and I saying we would reserve a spot special for them." He said.
We both just look up and smile. Now my family was in a better place. A place were they won't suffer. A place I know they are safe. Safe from all this. But I wish they could be with me as well. And so sis my uncle with his family. The sky had a mixture of blue, purple, and a hint of pink.
"One day we'll be up there. With our family." I said.
"I have a feeling you'll be here longer than I will." Said my uncle.
"Why?" I asked.
"Because I have a feeling." He said.
Then a wave of memories hit me. I look to my right and see my dad looking up at the sky like he use to. With his short black hair and beard. I could see his tattoos on his hand.
"One day you'll be with us up in the sky." My dad said before I realized I was hallucinating.
"Thank you for showing me this." My uncle said.
"I hope we can find a piece of mind." I said. We hug each other. He smelled just like my dad. He just reminded me of him to much. I let go. We kept looking up before I went next to Luis. We haven't talked much in this week.
"Hey." I said.
"Hey." He said looking up.
"It so mesmerizing. All the stars shining. All those colors." He said.
"Hey I just wanted to say I'm sorry about earlier. About snapping at you for me drinking. I just had a moment that's all." I said. Luis grabs my hand and squeezes it.
"It's fine. I'm just worried about you that's all. I always will be." He said.
"We should get going. Come on." I said. Our hands still intertwined.
The car ride to the airport felt shorter. Jesus was waiting for us at the plane.
We go into the plane and take our seats. Me and Luis sit together. I lay my head in his shoulder. He lays his head on top of my head. The plane takes off. Everyone was fast asleep but me and Luis.
"You ok?" He asked me.
"Yeah I'm just not tired." I said. As I wince a little at my tattoos. I forgot about them. They were still healing of course.
"Can't sleep either?" I asked him.
"No I can't." He said. I look into his eyes. They sparkled as like the stars. I wrap my hand on his neck and bring him closer to me to kiss him. We haven't kissed much either since I was planning the siege.
I missed all the moments we had before he knew about who I was. When we would go to our spot out in the beach in León. He kisses me harder. I release to catch my breath.
"I love you." He said.
Then I get up and drag him to the bathroom in the plane. I lock the door. The bathroom was a little bigger than regular bathrooms in planes. Luis pinned me against the wall and kisses me. I wanted him again. He takes off his shirt and so do I. He unbuttons his pants. He kisses me harder. We are both undressed.
We make out.
He picks me up and sets me on top of the counter while still kissing me. His hands travel all over my body. He goes inside me. I groan a bit. I loved the way Luis made me feel. Made my pain go away. I didn't want him to stop. He wanted more of me. Went in harder. We both moan.
"Luis." I say his name. He starts to kiss my neck and that weakens me. My fingers claw at his back. The bathroom also had a shower. We go in and I turn on the water to muffle our sounds.
He continues what he's doing. We ingulf each other. The water dripping down our bodies. For once I wasn't feeling the pressure of my life. Once again his hands travel all over my body. He brings me against the wall and I wrap my legs around his waistline. I bring him closer to me and we make out. I loved this feeling. The water causes us to sweat. I didn't want him to stop as he was panting.
"Shit. Fuck." He says.
He moves at me harder. I can feel the stress leave my body replaced with bliss. I bite my lip cause of the way I felt. I moan and I had to admit I'm surprised no one has knocked on the door to see what was going on. He moves down and kisses my chest which makes me louder. We were really exploring each other's bodies. My hands go from his neck to his back. This was my way of not making him stop. Now I can't keep quite now. I can hear him breathing really hard. He can't get enough and neither can I.
He starts to slow down. He pulls a little away from me. He kiss slowly now. We step out of the shower and we get dressed.
He comes from behind me and kisses my head.
"I'll get our first so they don't say anything." He said.
"Ok." I said and then pulled him for one more kiss.
"Love you." I said.
He smiled and left the bathroom. Ever since we first meet there was some sort of chemistry we have. I waited for about 20 minutes before I canoe out of the bathroom. Everyone was awake. I go and sit in my seat.
"We are about to land soon." Luis said.
The plane lands and we make our way to my hacienda. Me and Luis are hand and hand. For once I'm happy for a good amount of the day. But then I felt something was wrong.

My men stop at my driveway and I see two duffel bags. I get out of the car and I see there is a note on one of the bags.
I told you not to mess with me. -Emiliano
I read it and handed it to my uncle. Then I go to open the bags. To my surprise it was Alex and Diego's bodies all cut up. I back away in shock. This was the last straw. This mother fucker had to pay.
"Shit!" Said Veronica.
"Boys get ready for a raid! NOW!!!" I commanded. I load my custom gun.
"Maria, I don't think that's a good idea." Said Luis.
"Luis. This fucker killed your dad and you were prepared to go after him the same day. I think your the fucking least person to tell me that." I said.
"If any of you want to come you can. But if you don't. Then don't get in my way." I said.
"I'm going with you." Said Veronica and my uncle. My uncle also loads his gun.
I turn to Luis.
"I suggest you stay here. I can't risk it. I don't want to lose you." I said.
He picks up a gun.
"I'm going too." He said. And we all get into the cars and drive to Emiliano's hacienda. This rad would be different from the siege. As much as I wanted to kill this mother fucker I wanted to talk to him first.

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