Chapter 20: The Funeral

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Halfway to America Sora woke up. He looked on his phone and saw that it was 5:49AM. After yawning and stretching he decided to put his headphones on.

He scrolled through playlists and then saw a playlist he hasn't played for a long time. It was a sad song playlist and he started listening to it.

Sora looked out the window and suddenly felt his phone vibrating. He looked and saw that he got a message from Miku.

Miku: Onii-chan I hope your flight is going well, text me when you arrive in America.

Sora then chuckled. It was always amuzing that his sisters care so much about him when they met barely 6 months ago.

Sora: The flight is halfway so it'll take some more time to get to America. And of course I'll text you when I arrive.

He then put his phone away and looked out the window. He was just staring out the window, enjoying the music. He felt his eyelids getting heavy and he then fell asleep.


Before the plane landed Aiko woke up. "This is your captain speaking, in 10 minutes we are landing on Nashville Airport." The captain said.

Aiko then started waking Sora up. "5 more... minutes." Sora said in his sleep. "If you don't wake up Boo, you'll be left behind in the plane." Aiko said.

Sora then woke up. "I don't wanna get left behind." Sora said sleepy. Aiko giggled. "In 5 minutes we are going to land." Aiko said. Sora looked out of the window and saw Nashville.

"After 6 months back in Nashville huh. Never thought this would happen." Sora said. Aiko nodded and held his hand.

After the plane landed Sora and Aiko got ready to go to the orphanage where Sora and Aiko used to live.

They arrived at the orphanage. "Brings back memories." Sora said. Aiko nodded. They walked into the orphanage and got to the front desk.

The lady looked up. "Can I help you two?" She asked. "Was there once two children here named Nakano Sora and Suzuki Aiko?" Sora asked. "Let me look it up." The lady said.

"Yes there were. I am new here so I don't know what they look like, but they left 6 months ago." She said. Sora and Aiko then held out their ID's. The lady gasped.

"How could I help you?" She asked. Sora explained the situation. "Ah yes, I will get a room ready for you two." The lady said and walked away.

"Well, at least we get to stay here." Sora said. Aiko nodded. The lady came back. "I got your old room ready Sora. You can go straight there." The lady said. "Thanks." Sora said and walked away with Aiko.

They got into the room and saw that it was really clean. Sora then crashed on the bed and Aiko followed his lead. "Well, your wish has come true Boo, we get to sleep together in the orphanage." Aiko said chuckling.

Sora then kissed her forehead. "Yeah, finally." He chuckled. Sora was really glad to be back, but it was because they had the funeral the next day.

As Aiko sat beside Sora, Sora got on top of her. "Ara ara, what are you gonna do?" Aiko said with a sly grin. "I just thought that I would go on top of you for a change." Sora said.

Sora then started kissing Aiko. He slipped into her mouth and his tongue danced with Aiko's tongue. It went from a kiss to a makeout session.

After a while they broke the kiss. Only a string of saliva kept them connected. Then the door opened. "H-hello?" A young boys voice said. Sora turned around and saw that the door was open.

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