Chapter Twenty-Eight

Start from the beginning

I felt another pang in my chest for doing this to Demi, but the look in Louis' eyes wasn't something I've seen before. This was very important to him.

I sighed and turned to him "What do you want it to say?"

"I want it to say..Im in love with you."


"So, I told him it was perfect if that's the message he wanted to send." I swallowed hard and waited for Demi to answer, but she just waited for me to go on.

"And when I saw you wearing the necklace on Friday..I was just so confused. Then it clicked that he had meant it to be for you all along...that's why I dared for you two to kiss. So you would both realize how much you actually needed and wanted it."

"I didn't need the kiss to realize that Drea." Her voice was quiet and shaky, "But..why wouldn't you tell me this sooner?"

"Because I didn't want you to hate me for doing it for Eleanor in the first place, then by the time I was ready to tell you, all that drama happened..then Harry.." My heart sunk when I mentioned his name, remembering what was actually going on at the moment. No wonder why Demi looked so sad and distant.

"I don't know..I just..Even though what your saying is..Andrea I don't know what to think or believe anymore. I need to think about everything. I need to gather it all in my head and process it. I need sleep." She laughed at herself and took another shaky breath, "Could I use the guest bedroom?"

"Of course!" I was shocked that her response wasn't different..happy about what I just said. But I knew it was because she hadn't processed it yet when she fell asleep the second she laid down in bed.

I turned off the lights and shut the door right as Sabrina walked into the house, "Andrea? You here?"

"Yeah Im in the living room." I walked out and smiled, "How's Liam?"

She walked in and by the expression o her face, I could tell her walk with Liam went well, very well.

"Great..he helped me feel better. A lot better." She sighed and leaned against the doorway, "I really like him Andrea and I know it's not the best time it weird for a girl to ask a guy on a date?"

I laughed and shook my head, remembering how I had asked Niall out for the first time. Long story.

"No, of course not. But make it soon, isn't Hannah coming to bring you back home in a few days?"

Her face dropped when she realized that she didn't have long before it was back home and back to collage in less than a month.

" need to keep Hannah busy while I sort out Liam and I okay?"

"Okay." That wouldn't be to hard. Hannah was Sabrina's younger sister and she was..well she was easily entertained. And she was also easy at entertaining others, keeping a smile on people's faces, always.

But thinking about her and Sabrina even wasn't what was really on my mind.

I couldn't help but feel my heart hurt for Demi, for everything she's been going through in just one day.

I doubt she was getting any sleep at all.

*Demis POV*

Restless sleep. I never truly knew the meaning of that phrase until now.

You would think that because of how tired I was I'd fall asleep fast, and I did.

For about five minutes until my thoughts woke me up again.

But when I looked outside of the bedroom window, I knew it couldn't have been just five minutes based on how dark it was now outside. I had to be sleeping for at least two hours..but that wasn't nearly enough.

Not enough to keep my mind off of things I needed to keep it away from most, like Louis.

My hand trailed up to the necklace wrapped around my neck as Andreas story played over and over again in my mind.

Why was he so confusing and complicated? Why could he just say those three simple words, 'I. Love. You.'? Was that so hard?

I guess I shouldn't be talking now should I? It took me three years and a coma to spit my feelings out to him, what makes me think that he would spill his..feelings..or whatever was going me?

I sat up and shook my head away from it's thousands of thoughts. I need to just forget about everything and relax for once in my life. Just relax.

"Demi!" My door burst open as Andrea scurried in with my shoes and jacket in her hands, "Harry's woken up!"

Relaxing was the last thing on my list.


Authors Note: Sorry the chapters so short! I need a couple of these "bridge" chapters (or so I call them) to get to the next point, ya know? And I also apologize for not writing in a while..a lot had been going on at home:/

But it's okay now! And I'm going to update this weekend, and trust me it'll be worth it;) *DUN DUN DUUUUNNNN!*

Haha Anyways, I really love you all and thank you for taking the time to read my story! PLEASE vote, comment, fan, and SHARE SHARE SHARE the story! It fills my heart with joy when I see that:)

Have a great night!Xx

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