twelve; real rescue services

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The woman who turned my father in for stealing medicine. The woman who killed him, and then my mother.

"You need to come with us. We're not letting you out there alone." Cosmos shows up behind them making me tense up. "It's not a choice."


I and Cosmos were walking towards The Ark while Kane and the others went to the dropship, looking for Bellamy's friends.

"I thought you were dead." Cosmos hugs me when we arrive.

"I'm not." I look up at him.

"You're clothes, what happened?" He looks at me from up to down putting his hands on my waist.

I can only think of John. He's everything on my mind.

"Nothing." I look at Cosmos pushing him away from me, slightly looking away trying to hide my discomfort.

I walk away from him and towards the closest source of water, drinking it.

"Inanna," Kane calls me. "Medical."

I get up taking a deep breath and walking behind him towards Abby.

"Give me your weapons, and go change before going to Abby," he orders and I look at him from up to down, scoffing. "Hestia-"

"No," I say shortly.

"We don't allow this in here. You look like a grounder, you fight like one." Kane says trying to sound kind but sounding like a son of a bitch.

"I said no. If you don't want me here, let me go, is that simple." I argue back and he looks at the guards to get me.

As soon as a blond woman grabs my arm, I flip her around putting her arm behind my head. The smallest move would break it.

"Inanna, step back!" One of the other guards tells me but I smirk at him, flipping her arm a little bit more, breaking it a little bit more.

"Shoot me or do anything that might hurt me, mentally or physically, and I'll turn her arm into spaghetti." I threaten them grabbing her arm tighter.

"Let her go and you can walk freely out of here," Kane says and I smile at him, letting her go, breaking her arm.

As soon as she screams in pain, the guards grab me, taking my weapons and tying my wrists. I could fight them but I didn't felt like getting shoot.

"Take her to the others. We'll take her to medical when she calms down." Kane orders and I stop using my legs forcing them to drag me to where they were taking me.

"Get up, Hestia." One of the guards tells me and I get up, looking at him, smiling to creep him out.

"You're out of your mind." The other one mutters making me laugh.

They take me to a room where Bellamy and Murphy were, each one tied to his side of the room.

"Oh, fuck me," I mutter as they take me to a place right in the middle of them so that I could see the fight in HD.

"Don't kill anyone." One of the guards tells me and I smile sarcastically at him.

"I'll try my best." I wink at him as he walks away making me laugh. "This should be fun," I mutter, looking between the two of them.

"What are you doing here?" Bellamy asks me.

"Turned the blond guard's arm into spaghetti," I tell him breathing out noticing that Murphy doesn't even look at me straight.

Suddenly I hear Raven screaming at the top of her lungs.

"What's wrong with her?" I ask them worried.

FIRE AND GOLD ▸ JOHN MURPHY (editing) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon