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December 31, 2020 - January 1, 2021


today is our New Year's eve party, Emma and Olivia are here, Timmy invited some of his french friends and we are having the celebration here in France.

we are entering 2021 and this year i'm hoping it's better than 2020, i know for a fact i will have more work and more projects and i'm super grateful for that, but that means i will not be spending as much time as i would want with Timmy.

we will make it work tho, he also has so many movies to film and to release, he is at the peak of his career right now and he still is so young, i don't know how he manages, that's why i admire him so much and he knows it.

the past few days we have been making memories together, adventures, kissing, everything a couple like us does, it is fun, i mean we are in France together, of course it is going to be fun.

today we spent the whole day cooking and laughing, it was fun for a while until he started messing around and throwing food at me, getting me dirty, it was a war, of course i won.

anyway, right now we are getting ready for the celebration party, we showered and now we are in his room getting ready together.

i'm gonna be wearing a dress and he is wearing something semi-formal, i'm in front of the mirror doing my make up and after i finish doing it i will be putting on my dress, im going with a bit of a natural look.

i finish doing my make up and Timmy is ready too, he looks so good, he always does, he is just waiting for me and then we can start partying.

i put on my dress but i has a back zip up, "hey Tim can you help me with the dress?" i ask him " yeah of course" he answers.

we stay silent while he starts ziping up my dress, i feel his breath behind my neck and his delicate fingers on my skin, after he finishes we stay quiet looking at each other through the mirror.

i smile softly at him "Thank you" i say quietly and turn around to give him a kiss, he returns it and we leave the room.

te party started a few hours ago and it has been great, we drank we did karaoke and Emma fell down, she was laughing so hard and i was too.

Timmy was on the phone for a while but then we sang a song on the karaoke, guess what? i forced him to sing Taylor Swift, of course i did, who do you think i am?

it's now 10 minutes till midnight and i'm so excited to see what this year can bring me and us, possibly good things right? i hope so.

so in Mexico we have a tradition of eating 12 grapes right when the clock says midnight, i don't even know if they do this in other countries, but i'm determined to do it, also this is my first year to have my New Years Kiss.

and it's with the only person i could ever dream of, so i already have my plan, we kiss and then i eat the grapes as fast as i can, simple, i just hope i don't choke.

i have been overthinking so much that i didn't realize we are starting the count down, holy shit, WE ARE STARTING THE COUNT DOWN!

"Hey Vic, come here" Timmy says so we can be together.
i'm starting to get excited and there will be fireworks, i told everyone not to because of animals and the environment, but they said it was too late.
i really hope this is a good year
i look up to Timmy and smile he smiles back and grabs my waist.
everyone is with their partners or with random people
everyone looks so happy
"Let's have a good year together, yeah?" Timmy says "yeah, together" i say back
he starts to pull me closer
i'm preparing for this, i'm with the love of my life, my life is at peace and i couldn't ask for anything better.
"Happy New Year!!!!" everyone shouts
"I love you" he says "I love you" i say
and finally he pulls me close and we kiss, the fireworks are behind us and i just forget about the grapes and enjoy the moment with him, this was all i ever wanted, to enjoy my time with him.
i hear a click and the we pull apart we see one of my friends with my polaroid camera and see the photo.

To a better year with this boy that makes me very happy, we will never be apart and we will always love each other, that i assure you.

The End

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The End

chapter 70 done!!!! and this is the end folks, i just want to say thank you all so much for the support and for giving this story a chance, i really really appreciate it, i love you all so much, you will hear from me again :)
I LOVE YOU❤️❤️❤️

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