Chapter V: Facing Phantoms

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 The group of eight was ready, weapons in hand, they made their way down the basement. Dan Martinez was given another weapon, as his gun hadn't much ammunition left. Danny wasn't in his ghost mode, as he isn't sure when and when not ghosts can be sensed here. He was only able to sense the ghost lady that possessed his mother close by. He won't allow that he ruins their surprise attack.

The basement itself was creepy as fuck, according to Daniel Martinez. It was dark, dirty and the shadows spooked them, not to mention, they are aware that they are in danger, but not how exactly or why. The human mind is often afraid of the unknown, after all.

The group suddenly heard something. They stopped and made their flashlights out, upon seeing a ghostly glow. A ghost appeared and illuminated the corridor with its white aura. The ghost seemed to know where to go, so they followed him silently. The ghost floated deep into the basement, before walking into a room. Danny came closer to the entrance, and signaled his group to not come closer. He listened for movements.

When he was sure the ghost was gone, they walked in. They were shocked with what they saw, disgusted even. They were greeted by bodies, corpses of teenagers, many stacked over each other. Tucker was even puking upon seeing them. They were like hypnotized by shock, that they didn't notice the cages in the corners, until some of the captured spoke up.

"Danny!" yelled Madeline Fenton, catching her son's attention.

They then noted their classmates. Tiffany ran up to a cage that contained Paulina and Dash. "Tiff! Wait, where is Star?"

"She managed to escape and is probably trying to get help." explained Daniel Martinez.

Danny started to pick some locks, meaning he activated his ghost ectoplasm and melted the locks on the cages. That was very surprising for the imprisoned and he said, "Ah, right. You don't know." The rings appeared and turned him into Danny Phantom. "I don't care if you think of me as a freak, I just want to save you and find out what these rouge ghosts are doing." As Danny opened the last cage, the class was to four fifths complete, group A wasn't with them, well, anyone from A that isn't Daniel Martinez.

Said male asked, "What now?"

Dash told them, pointing to a door, "The ghosts took group A though this door. I say we follow them and kick some ghost ass." Many agreed, but Danny said, "Yes, but if anyone doesn't want, or isn't able, I say these go out of the asylum. I know it's dangerous, but Star managed and we have the medallions that hide you from th eghost sensory."

They walked into the room and saw something. They didn't expect something, nor did they know what to expect, but they didn't expect a natural ghost portal being in the basement. The rift between the two realms was just there, glowing green. The teenager were perplexed and weren't sure what to do, but Danny had an idea, "Guys, I think we need to go though. If someone wants, flee out of the asylum."

"Are you crazy?! If one of us splits up, we will probably get caught!" argued Mikey. "I follow you though this portal!"

"So do I!" agreed Mia.

"I won't chicken out to save my cousin!" added Dan.

"Then so it is!"

Everyone took a deep breath and stepped into the the portal. Coming out on the other side, they again saw something they didn't expect. They were starring at a caste, nearly a ruin even.

"Pariah Dark's castle..." said Danny shocked, "That explains why none of my allies told me about this. Nearly all ghosts keep away from the castle and everything Pariah"

"The perfect hideout." added Sam, "These damned spirits have nerves!"

"Especially being here... unless..."

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