Bonus Chapter VII: Shooting Star off the horizon

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Star was glad that she took her fathers advice and didn't wear the shoes she normally wore. Fleeing from the ghosts and running away from St. Nora are so much easier in sneakers than in heals or Ballerinas. Her mind racing, afraid of the asylum, she ran and ran and ran, but soon, she needed to take a break.

She sat down, on the side of a land road, no cars near and looked into her backpack. She fished out her food she packed for the trip. To her surprise it was rotten, so she threw it away, into a field. Good that she packed water. If she took juice like she planned, she won't have something to drink. She stopped herself from drinking it in one go. She doesn't know where she is, how far she is from civilization. She needs to ration her water.

Drinking a bit, she stood up and started to walk, just away, to arrive somewhere. She knows the United States are a massive country, even the states as big as other countries. She will walk for some time, she just hopes it will be over soon. She wants home, to her parents, to her pet cat. Just hiding in her bed, sleeping and wishing that the nightmare ends, to wake up and being late to Lancer's class, to see Nathan and Daniel prank Dan's cousin Hannah, to see Dale being a dicklike always, Valerie talking with Danny's group, Liam and Sarah trying to save their grades. Just back to normal, out of this nightmare.

After a while, faster than she pleased, the sun started to set and it became dark. She continued to walk, partly because she still had adrenaline in her system, and partly because she is to afraid tostop, to rest, in the middle of nowhere. So she focused on coming forward...

She wasn't to sure how long she was walking, but she felt how hungry and tired she was, how thirsty she was, how cold her was. She soon saw lights, a small town, and she felt more energetic, knowing that she is a step closer, for whatever happens next. Nearing the town, she found the name, and it was surprisingly a town close-by Amity Park. Some even call it, as a joke, Amity's suburbia. Her aunt Jennifer lives there, not that she had much contact with that woman, her mother had an argument with her sister.

After passing the border of the town, signaled by a billboard with the town's name on it, she found a newspaper on the floor. Normally, she would ignore stuff like this, but this newspaper had her class and the Fenton's printed on it. She was curious, confused even and picked it up. It wasn't much dirty or even wet, so it's fair to say it's still quite actual. She walked back to the billboard, as it is illuminated by lamps. Lamps that make reading easier.

The first thing she realized, the pictures were in fact her classmates and the Fenton's, but Lancer was missing. The date of the paper, on the other hand, it was off, very off. According to the paper, it is May. It can't be May, she thought, it's just March! What is going on?She continued to read the actual paper, and the title threw her off. "High school Senior class and chaperons still missing after Field Trip", it read. She was so thrown off, what is going on?

Reading the article, it read that their class and two famous Ghost Hunters, never came back from their trip, to St. Selena.... She reread again. The article claimed they are missing for nearly two months, but, how?

She realized, dropping the paper, maybe the dome manipulated time aswell? It would explain why her food was rotten and after the attackof the ghost king, she won't be surprised that a ghost is able to manipulate time. She slid down on the shield, and started to cry, this isn't how she imagined her last year of High School. Maybe her dad was right, when he said they should move away from Amity Park, away from the ghosts. But... if she wasn't there, would someone else have managed to escape and...

She needs to inform the authorities, anyone who can deal with ghosts.

She was suddenly blinded by a car, out came a woman, with long blonde hair, it was her aunt. Star stood up.

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