Damn it. He knew what he was doing.

He chuckled seeing me walk fast, my head down as my whole neck heated up.

“Woah woah, you're so red. let me guess it's Adrian again. It's disgustingly cute bitch. Disgustingly.” Roni chided as I flipped her off making her laugh.

I entered our room, yes our. Flopping on the bed groaning aloud.

“Cupcake” His voice taunted sweet like sugar. My stomach twirled only by hearing his voice.

The effect he has on me. God. I'm a goner.

“Here, you wanna lay while you read” He said giving me the letter. Caressing my red cheeks. His eye's fondly watching me with a gentle look, his fingers soft, giving me sparks again.

“Yes please but while we read” I corrected, a groan leaving him.

“What, what did I do?” I grumbled going in his arm's.

His warmth wrapping around me like a soft, warm blanket.

“You'll be the death of me. What did I do to deserve you?” He muttered his head in my hair.

“Oh that's simple honey, it's just the looks. Your parents did all the work” I gave him a toothy grin.

He glared at me.

“Oh cheer up. You always said you wanted honest answers. Plus I love that green eye's of yours. I could just take them out and keep them with me all the time” I laughed at his face.

“Hmm, now that you are being honest let me be too. I've always loved that figure of yours. I always wondered what's it like to touc-” I clamped my hand on his mouth, his eye's glinting in amusement.

His tongue flicked out, I screeched playfully hitting him.

“Woah there, cupcake. You forget you are dark Luna” He muttered wrapping his arm around me.

“Alright let's see” I muttered my hands shaking.

“Relax” He whispered in my hair.

I took a deep breath, nodding.

I flipped the letter open, the waterworks already ready to spill.

Hey, my beautiful daughter.

By the time you see this letter, I would be six feet under. I'm sorry - that's what I can pathetically give you. I'm so sorry. I tried, I really tried to take your father away from you. Sorry he's no father. He's a monster forever has been. How did I end up with this monster? My father married me of to him for money. Yes I know, I wasn't really a daughter, I realized that after my life changed forever.

The marriage only worked because of you're mom, your real mom harley.
She was a god sent angel. Just like you are. I hope Adrian cherishes you like your father, Cardan did. Your mother helped me heal in ways I couldn't put into words. So in return to give what she gave me I tried - to give you all I could. I'm sorry he reached to you in the end. What Ryder did, what fin did. I couldn't forgive myself for it ever. My poor baby went through so much, yet you stood up strong.

Heather - Heather I'm so so sorry. We drugged you so she couldn't wake up ever. I'm - I can't even say I'm sorry anymore. I'm too pathetic aren't I? The last thing I could do was give Heather bach to you. Yes I was the one who made her Come back to you again.I beg you to kill him, kill that man in the most gruesome way. He's done things to me, I couldn't ever tell a soul except your mother. I'm so sorry Astrea, another angel died. I hope you're mother and Astrea meet in heaven.

They both were friends, did you know that? Isn't it so ironic, how both of you were right under each other's nose yet you met 7 years later. I'm sure you both met once. They were the most down to earth people I've known.
Don't blame yourself over me, I have tried to do it many times but this time I guess was the last straw. All I ask is to please forget me. Keep this letter somewhere far. I wrote this because I wanted to tell you. You were always a daughter to me. I love you so much my dear harley. Live your life. Learn from the pain, don't let it take you with it. I couldn't stay away, it took me in and I'll tell you just that, this place is very dark and all I want from you is to live in a place that is full of life.

Stay strong, my dear daughter.

Love, mom.

I hugged Adrian, that's all I could do.
He hugged me back tightly. No words need to describe this feeling.

“Stay” I whispered my voice muffled.

“I'm not going anywhere” He promised straightening my hair.

And that's what he did as we layed, laughing, crying and mourning at our loss.

His eyes never once showing pity. All he did was stay with me, like he promised.
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