13 . Handling

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Forth POV

Never in my dreams I had guessed of being a dad so early …… Awww !! That word itself gives a giddy feeling inside my tummy . So yah , being a dad , it’s not like it was not in the plan ,  of course it is . But destiny gave it a little pretty earlier .  Well it was not a regular thing for a boy to get pregnant but yah it was not new to us . I have no words to describe , express my happily it is tooooo much to put in few words . Tharn had a ‘talk’ with me about being all cautious about what I  do or say in front of Beam . Basically the talk or the lecture had had a few effects on me . But the stories what he had shared was not that much problematic, but now I guess it do have some seriousness .

At the moment I am helping Beam with the weekly grocery . And the things he is putting in the cart are not very much interesting or correctly speaking logical to me . Come on who in the world eats ice cream with pickles ? Don’t even make me list it out . It seems like he lives on pickles and I started feeling to throw up even when I  just hear it's name  . Ugh ….. typical contrary to the situation . And now all I could do is to follow up with him by pushing this damn shopping trolley which contains tons of different pickles . Just tell who found this pickle  nah this thing , so that I will make them regret their findings . As we moved out after paying , his face was like as if he was trying to suppress his laughs .

You know you could just move your facial muscles . And I know it’s kind a bit too much but don’t blame me here Mr.

I’m not blaming you . And if you are comfortable I’m okay with it .

Why are you too good Wolfie ?

Is that a crime ?

Nah …… please continue.

It’s too informative that you find in the internet . Even if I have my P’s back , it fears me . You know when  it says that , we only feel the pain until it happens to us . The same .

Third POV

The duo walked past and through many shops , found many things which were needed and others were chosen because of the instant liking . They intentionally avoided baby shops . They had a huge pile of things stuffed at Forth’s room in their house rather than their dorm . It was not usual routine for them , but a little bit more than what they expected . Beam  had very terrible morning sicknesses , nothing seems to like stay in his tummy .

As expected Beam’s sickness was noticed by his doctor friends . How long they did not know but according to Forth’s mom they were to keep their mouth shut . They don’t need to go through what they had to face with Type's in the initial stages . And nor they need people to look upon him as a rare species nor wanted unwanted attention that made the boy uncomfortable . It was till the first two months , then rest of the classes was to be handled through online . Well it was their plan , but not every thing goes according to it . Right ?

At the secluded spot near the parking lot Beam is resting upon on Forth who was supporting himself by leaning on the wall . It was again a bad day for the doctor and he has come to soothe his mood and uneasiness . He buried his face on the tan boy’s neck and had hugged the latter tighter . Forth’s thumbs were rubbing slowly around his tummy and he felt the latter sigh in satisfaction .

Do you want to go home .



(Shakes his head)

Do you want to eat something ?

Nods .

What ?

He felt the latter poke his chest .

Laughing slightly he pulled the latter to face to face him .

We can think about that later . But now I’m talking about the real food . What do you want ?

Again he fells a shaking head .

Fine . But when you go to the doctor next week I will ask him to give you more strict diet .

Beam raises his head to glare at the latter . They were so busy at their bubble that they didn’t did not feel the presence of four people glaring at them .

Why is it difficult to know  something directly from you guys rather than it being too complicated .

That was Max , they had scary faces . But more importantly it was worried expression that was only their cover faces . The duo was  freeze to their places , Park came forward to check on Beam as if he was having fever .

The three made them sit on a bench and putting the food packets they brought . As earlier Lam had seen Beam going to the parking lot , he knew the two will be there , so he had brought for them too .

What is wrong with him ? Is he having any health issues .

Why does he need a doctor ?

Is it serious ?

Why did you guys didn’t tell us ?

He is pregnant .

He had many different faces in front of him , including Beam’s . He knew Beam was scared as hell . And he had learnt to cover it perfectly . But his mumbling at night and when people comes in his personal space the way he flinch , it was not unnoticed by the latter . But he had a confidence that he will have their support no matter who ever he didn’t .

He saw Beam tearing up in fear so he decided to go from there . He started to pull him to stand up but was stopped by a chorus .

We are going to be uncles .

Apparently yes .

Forth said sitting again . Beam looked up from his lap to their faces to receive four pairs of heart eyes . The four came forward to the doctor . Even Lam had a soft expression on his face . Tul placed his his palm after receiving a nod from Forth .

You really have a baby in here ?

Beam nodded and they received a yes from Forth .  Not so later they were distracted by a glaring lady .

Mom !!!!

By Heart 💜Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt