3. Jealousy is a bitch !!!

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Hey guys...
Well here I'm again .
Has matured content 🔞but not much as it is my first time in writing it .
So enjoy ......


Third POV

Was it just for Beam , or was everyone really this close to  him like this everyday .

Well you can’t blame him right ? If it was you or me , anyone will feel boiling sensation in them when  they  see a lot or more than a lot  of people around your loved one . Well  something like that  was happening here .

Beam was controlling himself the most not to snap at anyone near his Engineer . Well it seems like his prayers are still to reach the almighty , as the minutes passing by the scary head hazer was surrounded by most of the girls at the Medical Facility . Strengthening himself he went near the Engineer . Today they decided to have lunch in here but seems like it will be much difficult to have a proper ,  private lunch .

Well , it wasn’t like it was just two of them he was accompanied by his friends and so was the doc’s . The table wasn’t enough to accommodate all so they took tables together .

“ P’ Beam , are you alright ?” . Yo’ asked in a concerned tone .

Well he doesn’t know what was going on in the mind of the young doc as he could feel the whispers of the girls behind him about the new visitors .

“ I’m fine” … His tone was okay , but could not maintain his cool face .

It wasn’t the first time ……… He was still in daze mind , why it would create a kind of itch in his  heart every time he saw his Engineer smiling or being friendly to everyone. Wasn’t his scary attitude  working properly these days or are these all very brave .………… urgh !!!!!

The Crazy Doc Gang and the Engineer’s Gang was out on a Friday night with their boyfriends . They were in their usual bar . It was a shock for the doc’s to know that Lam and Park are seeing each other . They didn’t know something more was on their on their way …………..

The couples around the table was being all lovey dovey ; that left the two who were trying to not to loose their control to touch each other . Both the men looked hot as usual . The Engineer in all black and tough and the doctor in light colour and soft . As the rest had partners , the girls lingered around the two . Both at first politely refused but even after their denial the girls approached them .

Beam excused himself to the washroom , so he could clear his mind; only to be get caught up with a stubborn girl who was pestering him and getting under his skin easily . Losing his all cool he snapped at her creating a scene there . Obviously it got the attention of his friends . He explained them and eventually they were shocked hearing that he was actually angry when the girl was all over him . Beam somehow suppressed his anger but not for a long time , when he saw that a girl was all over Forth . He bolted up quickly enough to knock the girl down . As if it was just an accident he said sorry with a poker face and went toward the exit .

His friends looked at each other with a confused face . Forth sighed heavily as he got a hint of the behavioral change in his doc . He went to Beam’s dorm but was disappointed as he didn’t get any answer from the other . He decided to give him some time to cool down . But to his surprise he found the  boy in his dorm , curled up in his long baggy night clothes . A smile formed on face seeing a sleeping cute Beam. He quietly washed up and joined the doc .

Spooning from behind , he pulled Beam  towards him more ,  leaving no space between them . Beam turned around snuggled closer to other’s chest and fisting strongly at his t-shirt . Beam slowly mumbled in a husky voice .

“ I hate it”

Forth looked  at him with a confused face . When Beam repeated the phrase again , he pulled Beam’s face up with his index finger and made him to look at him .

“ What do hate ?”

“ I hate it when people come near you ; I hate it when they can be close to you when I can’t .”

With that Beam started to slowly suck at Forth’s neck slightly with his wet lips.  The sucking then shifted to biting . Beam slowly shifted on top of Forth . The Engineer’s breath hinched as he could feel things are more stubborn in all wrong parts ( in a funny way of course ) actually not only his but both of theirs .

Beam’s passionate kisses were not at all helping him in controlling him .  Moving from face the doc moved down to the tanned neck . Forth knew he can’t hold any longer  and Beam’s eyes told him he needed it . He slides his hands to explore the white milky skin . Forth's mere touches were enough to arose the doc . Forth can feel things getting hard at some places and simultaneously there were pink dust creeping up at Beam’s ears and cheeks , which were turning red by each seconds .

Forth flipped Beam and before he takes things further forward he asked permission to go on and the other nodded with a tomato face . When Forth’s hand did magic in Beam’s body that he couldn't control the sounds escaped from his mouth . As the clothes flew across the room , Beam hid face in Forth’s chest . Remembering not to go rough on the other , their body moved in a sync with each other ,  filling the room with their moaning’s . Beam blushed even harder along his moans became louder when they reached the climax .

As Beam snuggled closer ,  Forth placed a kiss on his head before drifting to sleep together from the exhaustion but they both still had smile on their faces .

Beam's POV

I woke up in Forth’s hug . I can hear his heart beat , his calm breathing can be felt as his chest’s rise and fall . When I realized that both us were naked under the cover , the images of last night filled my mind and soon I can feel my face heat up . I was busy blushing in the memories that I was absent mindedly tracing Forth’s abs  and  the latter was watching me . He slowly brought his face near mine and slightly bite my cheeks .

Coming out of the daze I glared him half heartedly and asked ;

“ what was that for ?”

“ you look like a tomato or may be you can beat it”

Flicking his forehead and reminding about the classes , I got out of the bed to rush to the bathroom when the pain struck me . Well that was acceptable. As I was thankful that he didn’t go rough on me , I pecked his lips before running to shower .

He dropped me at my dorm only to be welcomed by my two angry birds .
God save me please !!!!!

So , that was that.
Hope you enjoyed reading.
Meet you all soon .
Love 💕

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