8. Birthday !!!!

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Light smut ......... Skip if not interested  🔞 .

Beam’s POV

Cliché ……………….

It’s the only word that can describe this . After thinking for so many weeks I could not come into a conclusion what to give Forth for his birthday . It has been exactly 6 months , we have been dating . I known his likes and dislikes , but still I didn’t know what to get . And after roaming around the mall for like eternity , I stopped in front the jewelery shop . Seriously Beam ……….. seriously ?????

Giving something expensive was never his style . He was rich , but never showed it off , unlike me who needs everything perfect crisp . It’s not like giving something expensive was put of question but I need it to be special than anything . If I could ask for opinion , but no . I was not in that situation . Damn .

So as I said after literally going through each and every shop, I am here . Now the question is what from here ? I thought of a pendent ……nah . A locket ? Bluuuh !

And then tadaahhhh ! Like a very lovesick stupid ,  my eyes falls on a couple’s ring . A brown and black metal rings . A humble lady asked me if I needed something to engrave on it , I nodded and she passed me a piece of paper to write in it . Within a hour my order was ready , and till then I took care of the rest of the things I needed for the decorations .

Man , do all the people feel this giddy feeling inside them . Well if  anyone sees me smiling like this , sure I will be marked as out gone case .

We decided that we will call our friends for a lunch or dinner tomorrow as a celebration and would announce our relationship to them  , and I wish nothing will blow up this time .

So , to give him a surprise I called
P'Tharn and asked him to keep busy for the day and I literally high jacked his dorm . It wasn’t much work to do and now I have to wait for P’s message . It was usual to get his mom’s or P’ Lay’s call once often . And they were very friendly and caring .

It was almost 11:30pm .   After setting up everything ,  I ran for a quick shower and put on a black shirt of Forth . Soon I got a text indicating that they were downstairs . Okay , why do I feel nervous all of a sudden . As I heard a knock , I went to open the door .

He had his usual gummy smile which vanished , which was replaced by a shocked face with wide eyes . He looked at me and then at the decorations . My face was heating up . Suddenly his face crumbled , looking down . Was it not good , didn’t he like it , was it too much ? I suddenly feel all down . But when he opened his mouth , my heart melted . I did not know whether to cry or laugh .

“ I’m so sorry Beamie . I really forgot it’s your birthday …….. wait ? No yours isn’t this month , what’s it then ?”

He kept on  rambling , oh my god why is he so cute . This big , tough guy . What will I do with this big baby of mine . I pulled him towards me and our forehead touched . The alarm goes off .

“Happy Birthday Forth” ………….

He looked at me and then laughed slightly before pulling me into a hug . I took him to the bed , where the cake was kept , he looked around the pics and balloons around . He blew  the candles and after cutting the cake, he fed me  a piece . He gasped when I pulled out the box . I pecked his lips before I slipped the ring on his finger . He looked at me as I passed the other ring for him to put in my finger .

“ Forth  , this a promise ring . I want you to be my future . Even though it may be a too much cheesy thing to do . But for me you have been able to reach where even Pha or Kit could not reach . Now you have made me fall even deeply than before . I will  be much selfish if I wish I want you all by myself , but still I wish for it . Promise  me you won’t leave me .”

He came forward to place kisses on me , covering every corner of my face . Soon things became heated and it went further without any hesitation or hurry .

He took a piece of cake and smeared on my cheeks and along my neck sides and started to nibble it . Soon the room and our body smelled like cake . His nibbling continued and it way to my neck , I moved my head slightly to a side to give him more access . His actions made me moan . I kept my mouth shut not to make loud noises . I kept calling his name seductively which sure does have effect on him . His hands roamed around my body inside the shirt . Slowly lowering me , he placed himself on top and started to kiss again . While his hands were busy removing my shirt and we helped each other to be completely naked . As he moved lower , my breathing was a mess and so does my body . His slow moves on my bare chest was making me hard . I clearly don’t know how he does it and no matter how much he had done these , each and every time it feels new every time .

As his hands moved further down , my body shivered , I felt myself aroused . His fingers were making me moan loudly as he was adding one after another . It was not his usual self . He was making it more special today . I knew his moves . He was gentle always , but today it was more special . His eyes spoke along with his moves . Soon no count  how many times , exhausted and delighted , he pulled me closer . I looked at his finger which glittered with the ring .

His doctor , His Engineer ( engraved in the ring )

Was it possible for some to be more special than anything in the world . I wish I had my parents with me today . May be I could have bought him home , we all had dinner together along with his family . He was making me turn soft . More outwardly and more over the old me that I had shut down after I lost my parents . He was a change to me that had bought colors with him to cherish my grey  life . I snuggled closer to the comfort he was spreading in my life .

By Heart 💜Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz