12. Good news

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We are turning a way up . I did not have included this in the story but was a change . And I did my best not to make it much fuzzy but practical , simple and cheesy🤭🤭😉😁

Few hours earlier

Third POV

Beam entered the hospital with very much tensed , stressed and pained . It was difficult for him to make it up to the receptionist ; just before he would fall off , a strong hand helped him to sit down .

A few minutes were blur. Everything around him was buzzing . He felt someone telling him to wake up ; slightly shaking him . When he woke up ; he was welcomed by the shocked faces of two doctors ; which included Type and some other man and there was Tharn too . When he tried to sit up , Type came forward to help him . He faced every one of them ; but no one knew how to break the silence around them . Anyhow ; someone has to talk to him , so Type motions them , he will do it .  Leaving the two , rest left the room .

As Beam adjusted himself , Type sat at the foot of the bed . Clearing his throat he started speaking ;

Beam , I need you to answer a few questions honestly , okay ?

Confused Beam just nodded his head .

So , how’s Forth ?

He is fine why ?

And you guys are good right? Like , happy together ?

We are perfect P'

Good …… so …. Uh…….( nervous laugh )

P' ?

Okay , straight to the point . You guys had sex right ? ( Duh !!! 🙄)

Beam looked at him all red and flushed . Beam could only nod . So that’s what he did .

And you are the receiver .

Eyes bulged , face even reddened without looking at the face , he nodded again .

Good . Now Beam listen to me carefully okay , don’t panic and get stressed . Be cool .

P' , you are scaring me .

Beam, you are pregnant .

Silence . A very terrible silence . Although Type was a person who preferred silence around  , but today it scared him like hell . And soon to his not so surprise Beam laughed .

P , you are joking right ? . Suddenly Beam was all pale . Don’t tell me I’m dying or something and you are just telling me to cool me down . Am I really dying . Why ? Why me . I have plans for future . I did not even complete my studies . I even did not get married to Forth and ,  and our puffy ? Oh my ………..What I am goanna do ?

As far as I would love to know about your future plans with Forth , but I need you to know that you are all good . You are not dying but is having a life in you .

Beam was all struck for a few seconds , and all Type saw was the tears filled eyes . Sighing he pulled the latter into a hug .

What I am goanna do P' ? What will people say ? Our friends , mom , dad , and what about Forth ? He will hate me , he will leave me. ……… people will call me frea…….

Don’t you dare continue that . If you can call your self that , then you are indirectly labelling me too .

Beam looked at the elder confused . Sighing again with his very rare smile he said ;

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