1. Away from Rest !

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So I had some ideas prepared already and I'm trying to get it through in a slow pace together ..... It is entirely different from my first story .
So enjoy

Beam's POV

Well for now the Star and Moon contest have ended and the two moons were already taken by "some people" if you know who I am referring to . And speaking about me , if you think I am waiting for any stars who I can take home then  No !

I am well..... You know ........ I'm ..... uh ! ..... urgh. ...... okay !

'I'm waiting for Forth !!'

Don't look at me like that , so what if I'm waiting for him . I just saw the hurt look when Yo sang for Pha and I somehow thought to go and check him .

What ? I told you don't look at me like that . Seriously ...... I just wanted to make sure he is fine .

I look around to find Forth sending home the stars safely and he had Lam with him . They saw me and Lam looked at me smirking . I know that look , but he doesn't know why I was here . May be not even in his dream he would have guessed what I was going to say .

"Lam : looking for any stars Ai' Beam?"

" Well I'm here for a moon now " I spoke softly , the smirk that he had was replaced with a shocked face . Forth stood there with his eyes wide as when he found that he was the only 'moon' left there ; rest all were stars .

Lam and Forth : WHAT ???
( their faces 😂 )

Chuckling slightly and took a step forward to Forth and looked into his eyes . He didn't even flinch or stepped back . So I told him what I had in my mind .

" I was worried about u after I saw u were hurt seeing Yo' on stage ............ singing for Pha and I thought that I should come and check on you . "

They both looked at me as if I have done something strange , well I did something like that isn't it . Forth replaced his shocked face with a warm smile & I can feel my heart melt . Shiya !!!

'you mean u' re worried for me when you saw me look hurt when my cousin Yo  proposing to your friend Pha. ' 

( Let's make some slight changes here as I don't want it circle around the same ) .

'yes ...... wait what ? Yo is ur cousin ?'

' Hmm ... He is and I was worried about him as a brother and nothing more.'

Then why the hell was I getting jealous all this while , I thought to my self . Wait jealous ? Yah may be I was .
Why shouldn't I be ? I had been having feelings from the first year for him . I had tried  my enough luck to show him my feelings but every freaking single time Pha ; the giraffe would shield me from going near him as if I was a kid . And when Yo came ,  the pain I suffered was literally unbearable . And now I feel my heart doing some wierd dance .

May be I do have a chance !!!

'Then that's settled' I spoke to myself as if to assure myself .

' what's settled?'  Forth asked me

'Nothing . Can you just drop me at my dorm . I don't have a ride.'


Forth drove his bike towards my dorm and just when he was about to go it started to rain . I invited him in . I had all the butterflies dancing wildly in my tummy and a vey creepy smile on my face . I gave him my spare tshirt and pj to him and he kind a looked funny in it , with his muscles and well built body . I tried my best not to laugh out loudly .

Soon we settled down , silence engulfed us but he decided to break it .

' So u were worried for me ? '

'Yes for u'

'Why ?'

'I don't know ?' ( seriously ? U don't ? )

'Hm '

'U don't like Yo then then ?'

'Nah '

'Why ? '

'He is so baby , he needs attention every second and baby him ......which I hate .'

'Hm.....? So wats ur preference ? '

You !!!! 

Forth' s POV

Was it wierd when I saw that this boy who was in front of me was something special for me . I guess no . It was at the entrance exam time when I met this milky white boy at the campus for the first time .

Beam Baramee

I wished that I will find him later on the college days but not until I was dragged to the contest rehersals . But later my only inspiration that to go through this thing was him .

Was he always this caring to everyone I thought everytime when he came forward to help me with my wounds after I had a fight , he would bring water or snacks for me along with his friends at the break time during practice , his smile would beam out everytime I was frustrated . Because of Phana we became drinking friends and sometimes he would join us for drinking without his buddies as Lam and Max find him friendly....... And for my suprise Lam ? Seriously ?

Even though I could not talk privately as there was Phana infront of him every time . 

And now when he came to me saying about his concern it really touched my heart , even though what Lam asked did hurt me .

He asked me wats my preference in a patner ...... I wanted to say


But I did not know how he would react so I shifted it to answer him as

" Nothing specific , but who ever is it should be only in love with me and mine only "

" You Engineers are too cheesy to handle" he answered me in a comic look .

Third Pov

Forth turned to face Beam as he found the later was staring at him already . Beam was mesmerized by the raven brown eyes ,  red lips , broad shoulders and jaw lines .

"Why are you staring at me"

The Engineer smiled and asked making the doctor difficult to breath .

"Nothing "

" You have been different these days " He asked again to the staring doctor .

"How different ? "

" You are silent these days , mainly you will be busy bickering with Kit . And also always in a daze . Something bothering ? "

The Engineer asked with concerned voice .

" You were watching me? "

"No I kinda noticed it "


There was a heavy silence around them . Both wanted open up about their feelings to each other by grabbing this chance that destiny has given them. So both of them spoke together as if it was a do or die moment .



By Heart 💜Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat