Chapter 13

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It had been six days since the showdown between Steve and Jason had happened. Steve was on his way to coffee shop before would head to the local gym after he'd dropped off Tim at school since Bruce was still recovering and Thompkins after hearing about Jason was even more strict on the bed rest than normal. He entered the shop to see that there was a line of ten people in front of him so he decided to wait his turn.

As he waited the bell for the shop went off again. Steve didn't think much of it till the clicking of a gun caught his attention. "Unless you want your guts splattered across this shops floors, you'll act as if nothing is wrong" Jason's voice hissed

"Nice to see you again Jason" Steve said turning around grinning at the man.

Jason was surprised that the Captain had just gone along with it like his life wasn't in any danger. "I was going to get a coffee then head to the gym care to join me?" Steve asked

"Take the bait Jason" Steve internally begged

"Fine" Jason snarled now knowing that Steve was doing this as not to cause a scene in broad daylight, which he was avoiding at the moment. They finally got to the front of the line. "One coffee black for me and did you want anything?" Steve asked Jason

"I'll have the same but with one of the breakfast muffins" Jason huffed

"Make it two and the blueberry" Steve told the clerk

"Name for the order" the clerk asked

"Rogers" Steve said before handing the clerk the proper amount for the food and drink.

The two went off to the side to get out of the way while they waited for their order.

"You know for a hundred year old man you pack a punch and you are rather spry as well" Jason told Steve

"Thank you" Steve smiled

"But what is this?" Jason hissed knowing that there had to be another angel to this

Steve grinned knowing that Jason had caught on,"This is just coffee between two people, Jason"

"Not what I meant Rogers" Jason growled

"Call it an intervention for You and Bruce" Steve told him

"And this?" Jason asked pointing between him and Steve as they sat down at a small table.

"This is something I'm doing as a minor partaking of penance for a crime that I can never forgive myself for" Steve told him.

"What penance last I checked you are America's golden boy you have no crimes that need penance" Jason spat incredulously.

"For my partner Bucky who sacrificed himself to get me to safety. His death will forever be on my mind and my fault." Steve calmly told him as he leaned back into his seat.

Jason froze, he'd forgotten how Bucky and Steve were MIA since WW2. But it seemed as if there was more to the tale of their disappearance than history let on. Jason still clutched the gun tightly in his hand. "Then if you want true penance leave me alone" Jason growled

"I would but I don't think that's what you want? Is it?" Steve asked him as Steve's last name was called.

Steve excused himself for a moment while he went and retrieved the order. Once he came back..........

"Yes it is" Jason growled out even though he was internally screaming "No please don't leave me alone"

"Jason quite lying to me this entire time you wanted someone to go to. I've heard you very clearly on two occasions where you've wanted something but didn't take it because you thought you didn't deserve it. " Steve told him with a sigh and a look that told Jason that Steve knew.

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