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Steve was seated in the Javelin it had been a full year since he'd been defrosted. The year had it's ups and downs, several instances that made his mind real but it was otherwise an experience. He was on his way with John, Hawkgirl, and Superman from Oa. Superman could tell that several things were going through Steve's mind. He and the other members of the League since he'd been defrosted have tried to understand Steve, but they didn't press that much especially after his flub with that psychiatrist. And several of Steve's old enemies had returned and every single member of the League had to admit that where Steve's villains lacked in powers they made up for in overwhelming strategy and skill. Superman and Diana were nearly killed by Zola. Hawkgirl and Lantern ended up in the med bay for three weeks after facing Strucker. J'onn and Flash were two inches away from death after their encounter with Crossbones. And Batman had already met Zemo.

Every instance made Steve feel more and more guilty for bringing the team into his battles. He'd even talked about leaving the League just so he could round them up, but after the encounters the League refused his request to do so. They were just happy that Red Skull hadn't made an appearance yet.

When they docked in the watch tower Batman, J'onn, Diana, and Flash were waiting for them when they docked. Steve went to mission control to input the data from the mission which is were Batman found him. Batman had long since become used to Steve's habits he was a soldier after all. "Steve" Batman said

"Batman can I help you?" Steve asked

Batman remain quiet. Steve instantly knew that this was one of those cases. "I need your assessments of the league for the past year" Batman said

"May I ask why, Superman?" Steve asked

"How did you know it was me?" Superman asked removing the cowl from his face.

"The size differentials between you and Batman" Steve said, "Plus Batman knows that my files on you all are all stored in my own mind. And you are terrible at acting"

Superman sighed. "Plus I just saw the Batjet leave for earth not five minutes ago" Steve added

Superman knew that he should've tried harder to convince Batman to stay and assist in his prank on Steve. "Good luck with that" Steve said as if reading his mind.

"You really have spent to much time with Batman" Superman said

"I do have to dress as the man on occasion" Steve stated

Superman sighed, fair enough. Steve went to typing out the mission report. Superman read what Steve typed out, just like Batman, Steve was about the fine details. "So have you ever thought about the future?" Superman asked

"What brought that on all of a sudden?" Steve asked

"It's just that Flash, Shiera, John, and I had a talk recently about our potential futures such as family and retirement" Superman explained

Steve submitted the report while he thought about his answer. "I don't know Superman. The person that wanted that sort of thing went into the ice nearly seventy years ago and I think another person came out" Steve said

"But if you had the chance would you take it?" Superman asked

"I suppose it just depends, plus back then I was waiting" Steve said as he walked out of the room.

"On what?" Superman asked curious

"Right partner" Steve said before walking to his room.

The next day was an unusual quiet day so Steve took advantage of it and asked John for a lift to earth after his monitor duty was finished. John happily obliged with the request. He set Steve in a secluded part of Metropolis before John headed home.

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