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It had been an, in a word, interesting couple of months to say the least for Steve. Traveling to another world similar to the one he was from with Lantern, Hawkgirl, J'onn, and Flash. It was interesting to say the least. He also helped Superman with his city a couple of times with Luthor and Livewire.

Flash had Steve come with him to aid him with Captain Cold a.k.a. Lenard Snart and Golden Glider. Then one of his old villains, Baron Zemo made an extremely comeback while he went on patrol with Robin while Batman was once again forced to do stuff as his alter ego, Steve didn't pry into the matter knowing that Batman would tell him when he trusted him. During an outdorr training session an old enemy of Steve's attacked, Barron Zemo. Steve ended up getting seriously injured protecting an even worse off Robin, Nightwing, and Batgirl, so that put him out of commission for a few days.

Batman after hearing the attack from Baron Zemo rushed back to check on his sons. When he saw that Steve had a few broken ribs and a broken leg from protecting his kids the worst injury coming from Nightwing who had a rather large gash on his leg he thanked the Captain before interrogating him on how Zemo was still alive. Steve's best guess was Zola who'd been turned into a computer interface of sorts he would be the only person Steve could think of that had the knowledge to keep Zemo alive. Luckily he hadn't attacked while they were out on patrol so when it happened during the sea based training, that Nightwing had insisted on having for Batgirl's and Robin's sakes, he was wearing his Captain America outfit. So thankfully Zemo didn't know about Steve taking the up the cowl while Batman was gone.    

But ever since Zemo's attack Steve had been doing as much research as he could with Batman and Superman's aid  in between missions to track down Zemo and Zola. The sooner they were both behind bars the sooner Steve could start sleeping easier at night.

But right now he was waiting for Superman, J'onn, and Batman to come back from their mission to get information from Luthor. You'd think that a man with as much potential as him wouldn't go down this path regardless of the reasons, but unfortunately not everyone seemed to share Steve's sentiments. 

When it was Steve's turn at the monitors, a few days after Luthor had been taken into police custody, he got a call from Batman requesting aid for a burning building on the Metropolis/Gotham city line while Batman, Superman, and Flash were suppose to be chasing Luthor who'd escaped with the Ultra Humanite earlier that night. So Steve dispatched Hawkgirl to Batman's location since she was the closest.  

After an hour it became an all hands on deck mission looking for Luthor and Humanite since it was never a good idea to trust any member of any of their rouge's galleries. Steve was scared in case Luthor ever went after one of his own villains, sure he didn't have as many as the others did.

Baron Zemo, Arnim Zola, Mother Night, Taskmaster, Strucker, Viper/Madame HYDRA, HYDRA (Yes they were still a problem even seventy years later), Blackwing (He'd meet him while helping Nightwing with Blockbuster in Bludhaven), Crossbones (Former hit-man for Lex Corp), and Doctor Fautus (His first psychiatrist that Superman had suggested before his current psychiatrist Doctor Brent who was suggested to him by John).

But currently Steve and Batman were going through news channels, police radio, even military frequencies to get a trace on Luthor and Humanite. Flash and Hawkgirl were talking behind the two as they worked. "Must be why you can't get a date" Hawkgirl told the Flash

"Yeah.........Hey! I'm not the only one who can't gotten a date. Look at Cap" Flash retorted

"Leave me out of whatever this is." Steve sighed as he continued working with Batman.

"Quiet!" Batman snapped as he tuned into a news station.

The Federal Building of Metropolis was being held Hostage by Humanite who was not participating with police.

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