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Steve took a seat in the Batcave as once again he'd been asked to take over the cowl of Batman again. But this time it was via Alfred's instructions, Bruce the week after they both fell asleep in the medbay got caught in the crossfire of a fight between Bane and Killer Croc. Bruce was right now in his bed recovering from: two broken ribs, three bruised ribs, a broken leg, fractured pelvic bone, spinal damage, and that was just the bone damage his internal damage consisted of bleeding, bruising, and damage. So Alfred made the executive decision to call Steve for him to take over the cowl while Bruce recovered from his injuries. And who was Steve to refuse.

He had done several patrols and sparring matches with Tim since he arrived two days ago. He even went to pick Tim up after school since Alfred was busy and Bruce after revealing himself to Steve put him on the Tim's contact information just in case neither him or Alfred could get to Tim (Missions/meetings/ healing).  But right now it was Friday and instead of  Steve picking him up, Tim was going to be going to Titan's HQ right after school.

Steve though was right now tracking a very dangerous shipment. S.T.A.R. Labs had remade the Amazo android to see how it worked so that way when it returned to earth the League was prepared at least to a degree, but it had been stolen by unknown parties just after Steve had dropped Tim off at Gotham Academy that morning.

But he managed to track down as to when the transfer was going down which would be when they group would be at it's most vulnerable and he could then take the Amazo back to Star labs and request that it be melted down and remade into things that people actually needed like hospital equipment.

When the transfer was only an hour out Steve put aside the rest of patrol and headed to the docks to wait for his time to strike. He didn't have to wait long. right after the android changed hands Steve struck the dealers taking five out of the picture leaving three in the getaway vehicle.

Luckily Steve had to foresight to set up something for that scenario....road spikes. "Are we good" One of the punks asked

Steve then landed on the hood of the truck and told them, "No your not"

They swerved into the road spikes just as one of them men grabbed an elephant gun and took a shot at Steve, which he avoided. During this time the cargo flew out the back of the truck before said truck flipped over on it's side.

Steve approached the wreckage and in one smooth movement Steve kicked the gun away from the trucks passengers/driver, grabbed hold of the only passenger that was conscious and pulled him from the wreckage."Who hired you?" Steve snarled in his best Batman voice.

"Nobody we just boosted the truck and-" The thug lied to him

"Lie to me again and crashing head on into a wall will be the least painful activity of your evening" Steve growled

"No I swear to go-" The thug told him before a loud beeping interrupted him.

The two turned towards the cargo it unlocked and began to open up to reveal an Amazo Android that certainly didn't look anything like the original. For one the original didn't look human this one on the other hand did.



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