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Steve was finishing up a case with Batman, Nightwing, Batgirl, and Robin that had lasted for three straight days. They had been busy trying to track down Killer Croc, Joker, Zola, and Zemo who'd escaped from prison with Luthor when he unleashed the Amazo android. Steve during that entire time had been with Batman and Superman trying to find Luthor. And don't get him started on the Darkseid and Braniac debacle, that to Steve was a headache all on it's own that he'd rather not visit again unless absolutely necessary.  

The past three days though Steve at the request of Batman, or Bruce as he insisted on Steve call him out of the mask, the criminal underground of Gotham that was thought to be under the iron clad control of Black Mask, was starting to cause major trouble for the people of Gotham as well as the above reasons. Steve and Batman made their way to the Watch tower as Wonder Woman was on a mission in Atlantis at the request of Aquaman. Which was why Batman was called in.

Once they arrived Steve logged the flight for him and Batman. While he logged in the flight behind him you could see the faintest of smiles on Batman's face he appreciated Steve's knack to carry out protocol when everyone else wouldn't or refused to till they forgot about it entirely. One of the millions of reasons why Batman was happy that Steve was apart of the Justice League.

Once he was done with the logs Steve got to work on cleaning his equipment that he cleaned religiously everyday. J'onn on the other hand was stone silent as he stood in the watch tower watch room with a blank face. Steve had asked at one point about why he does that and J'onn told him that he was just sleeping as Martian sleep cycles are very different compared to human sleep cycles. Which Steve had just accepted as a face valued fact. "Get over here" Batman said

Steve sighed knowing that Batman was just as tired as he was from the last several days. "What's up?" Flash asked

"Prison break" Batman answered, "Solomon Grundy, Copperhead, Luminous, Volcana, Strucker, and Firefly" Batman said

"Wheels up in three everyone" Steve said as he grabbed his helmet and headed to the flight bay for the javelins.

"Right" Batman agreed following after Steve.

Steve went with Batman and John to find and capture Firefly, Strucker, and Volcana. While Superman, J'onn, Hawkgirl, and Flash went after Grundy, Copperhead,and Luminous. Lantern fought Volcana. Batman took on Firefly whilst Steve took Strucker. It took a bit but after some quick thinking on John's part they finally managed to get the three back in their cells. "Three down three to go." John said as they oversaw Volcana's lock up.

Steve and Batman both let out a yawn. "This must be pretty routine stuff for you" The warden said

"Sorry third night in a row with no sleep" Steve explained

"You should probably....." The warden said as his walkie talkie device started up.

"What do you mean he's missing he's catatonic" The warden shouted before running off to the jail hospital.

Steve, Batman, and John followed after him. As they came upon the hospital bodies littered the hallway just outside the door and the entirety of the hospital including the watchman standing guard. They where all mumbling nonsense that Steve couldn't make out. "Check the Laundry room" Steve ordered

"It might be to late" Batman said

"We may find some clues" Steve put in

"Now your getting it" Batman smirked

"The others have the rest of our escapees pinned down at a warehouse" John said

"You go I'll stay put and try to find this guy" Steve said before walking down to the laundry room knowing what a devastating affect a single person could possess. Like Odysseus in the Oddessy.  

After doing a thorough check of the laundry room Steve noted that this Dee took a lab coat, a set of civilian clothes, and a pair of shoes. "Find anything?" Batman asked as he joined him

"I thought that you would have gone after the others" Steve said

"This takes precedence" Batman said

"Fair enough" Steve said

Steve filled Batman in. "So we know how he escaped but why would he leave?" Steve wondered aloud as the two got into the batmobile.

"He had a wife if prison records are right" Batman said

"I don't like the way that you insinuated that 'had a wife' part" Steve said as the batmobile went off down the road.

"They divorced not two days ago one of the watchmen saw it happen" Batman said

"Do we have a name on her?" Steve asked

"Yes she was just admitted to the hospital for having some kind of problem" Batman said

"I'll call J'onn" Steve said before calling the Martian.

This was certainly going to be another long night that, Steve felt, was for certain.

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