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Steve was facing one of the many monitors in the Watchtower as he updated the villain manifestos for Flash, Diana, and Superman. Those three just didn't keep relevant information updated and it irked Steve to no end especially since he'd made a lot of progress with Jason in the last four months, though he did have to backtrack when Dick tagged along, (Steve could swear that he told nothing of his plans with Jason to the older brother). Steve then closed the file containing information on the suit belonging to Lex Luthor before opening up the personal file on said man. He was updating his jail record seeing as how he'd been taking to Striker's instead of Blackgate.

"Captain" J'onn's voice said over the PA

"What's up Luthor giving you problems on his way to Striker's?" Steve asked as he worked on updating the League database before he left for Gotham.

"No we are heading off-world an incident has arisen" J'onntold him

"Do you need me to come down there?" Steve asked as he turned away from the screen.

"No, but we will be needing to send data to our computers to check and analyze," Batman said

"Alright but if I don't hear anything from any of you personally in four hours I'm coming after you," Steve said as he prepped the computers for the intake of data from an alternate reality.

"Wouldn't expect anything less from you" Flash stated in his usual jovial tone.

Steve let out a light chuckle of his own before turning on Flash's tracker as it was the only thing that could pinpoint him at the speeds he could reach. "See you guys in four hours," Steve said as he finished setting up the link.

"See you then Captain," Superman's voice said before silence ensued.

Steve put on a two-hour timer and then got back to work on finishing up the file updates on Mr. Mxyzptlk.  Steve had met the little imp when helping Superman out in Metropolis last week when Bizzaro attacked, it, all in all, was not a pleasant experience.

An hour and a half had passed as Steve finally finished updating the files on their villains. Steve closed down that part of the computer systems before turning his attention to what was supposed to be incoming from this alternate reality. Steve grew concerned nothing had come through at all. Steve double and even triple-checked the connection to make sure it wasn't anything on this side that was causing the problem.

Nothing, thins worried Steve a lot and a feeling in his gut told him that something was very wrong. So Steve brought up the camera that was attached to the tracker on Flash. Upon bringing it up he discovered what universe they were in and the real story.  That world's Flash was killed by Luthor which sent Lord Superman over the edge taking his fellow Justice Lords with him. Steve then did a bit more digging he didn't exist anymore in that universe that version of him never joining the army or receiving the serum, instead he graduated university and became a well-known artist who married Elisa Smith. They later had a daughter who married and had Jason Todd. He died when Jason was three due to natural causes. This situation had many advantages and disadvantages to it.

The advantage was he could blend in as a civilian to break the League out of their cells.

The disadvantage was he couldn't present himself as Captain America since Project rebirth, Erskine, the super-soldier serum, Peggy Carter, all of it never even existed in that world. Steve had a haunch that they had planned to trap the League in that world so that way they could turn this world into a replica of their own.

Steve put all Watchtower systems on lockdown since the lockdown could only be undone by the person who put it in place It meant if these Justice Lords wanted to make any adjustments or add anything to the watchtower they had to get his specific DNA to lift the lockdown.

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