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Steve groaned as he got up from his position on the floor. He rubbed his head as it was throbbing in pain. He spotted Lantern, Flash, and Solovar down on the ground his first priority was checking them over.  "Lantern" Cap said checking him over.

John groaned in a bit of pain before he pushed himself off the floor. "Cap what happened?" John asked.

"I don't know." Steve told him as he helped a now conscious Solovar to his feet. 

They then looked at Flash who was still out cold. "The mind control is he still....?" John asked

"No not once I put this on" Solovar said taking the band from his brow and placing it on Flash's who quite comically woke up within two seconds of it being placed on his brow.

Flash then proceeded to groan. "Oh no"

"Not such a dumb ol' Gorilla now is it" Steve told him giving him a look.

Flash harrumphed at that. "I'm gonna call back up" John said putting a finger to his com, "Green Lantern to watch tower come in watch tower"

Static followed. Steve tried his com and so did Flash.  "Anything?" Steve asked the two.

"No" Flash said.

"For good reason to come look" Solovar told them.

The three went to the opening in the building to see a large dome above the skies of Central City.  "What is that?" Flash asked

"It's just like the shield that protects my city" Solovar said

"Nothing in or out unless permitted" Steve said remembering the shield surrounding gorilla city.

"Or unless I can shut the generator down. "John said before flying off the the generator room.

Steve looked over at Solovar, "Shouldn't we find Grodd first since this is his invention?" Steve asked recalling what he knew about Gorilla tech it was right up there with the technology of Wakanda before they destroyed themselves to protect the vibranium mound.

Lantern came back after a failed attempt to rectify the situation.

"Not even a scratch" Lantern said

Steve sighed knowing that would've most likely been the result. "Come we must find Grodd" Solovar said before leaving the building.

The four made their way through the eerily empty streets of Central city. "Is this creeping anyone else out?" Flash asked

"Maybe the force field scared them off?" Solovar suggested

"I'm just saying when cities are this empty Flesh eating zombies are usually involved" Flash stated

"You watch to many horror films." Lantern told Flash.

"SHHH" Steve lowly hissed. He had no idea what they were talking about.

He heard the in-mistakable sound of rallying masses. The three soon came upon a crowd of people rallying around Grodd.   "You don't watch enough" Flash retorted as they looked at the crowd.

Steve let out a heavy sigh as John glared at Flash.

"It's to late he's already got control of them" Solovar said

"How many of these do you have?" Steve asked

"Only these four and one other" Solovar said

"Then we have a long hard task ahead of us." Steve said looking at the crowd.

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