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The next several weeks for Steve had been filled with various lessons, a few trips to Earth, visiting his parents graves,see how much earth has changed, and of course getting to know his team mates.

The easiest to get to know had been John Stewart. They had a common background in the Service.But it ended there. John was a great help when it came to readjusting to society again. John had even suggested that he start going to therapy for PTSD. Which Steve gladly accepted having heard from John how bad it can get for veterans once they leave. They even had the occasional run together in DC where John lived even if Steve could easily out run John by a good deal.

Superman and Steve had a friendly relationship. They could talk about various subjects from history to politics. They were close and had even figured out what had happened when Superman punched Steve's shield. And even created a technique they could use against villains should it be necessary to do so.

Shiara had been difficult to get to know at first. but they bonded talking about the differences in their respective cultures and histories. She was fascinated by his shield and let her use it a for a few minutes in the Watch tower training room. He afterwards had to talk her into giving it back with the promise that they could do a few rounds of sparing nth metal vs Vibranium. The two had a very stern lecture from Batman about that later when it caused the same effects if Superman slammed fist onto his shield but multiplied tenfold.

Steve and Batman got along easily enough. They could often be found talking about the various villains that had cropped up over the years. They also talked about other tools Cap could use during team missions including bolas, throwing discs, and very special piece of equipment that would create constructs of light much like John's ring but in a bracelet form on his wrist underneath his shield so it could be protected. He didn't want to rely on technology that much, but he did understand that there would be a situation or two were he'd be forced to use tech. And he got to met Tim, Barbra, and Dick and offer all three advice that they could use. Meeting Dick though stirred his memories that included  Bucky since their personalities were so similar to each others.

J'onn, took Steve some time to get used to. They had similar backstories as they both lost everything they cared about because of war. But once Steve got over the overall weirdness of it all the two actually had some very deep talks with one another. He even set up a few ground rules with J'onn like unless it was an absolute emergency in which he would die or a member of the League was dying he would not intrude into his mind like he did when he woke up. It felt weird and unnatural. J'onn understood his reasoning without complaint. But they would often be found talking about history and going over the computer systems of the Watch Tower. So he could effectively do his shift at the monitors. 

Flash to Steve was an enigma. The guy reminded him of Wizzer and the Flash of his era. So Steve already had a general idea of this Flash's powers and abilities. But if anything Flash was there more for re-integrating into society by helping him learn the technology, laws, and the miscellaneous things of the modern era. Which was a rather huge help and a bit overwhelming at times if he was to be honest.

Diana had been the hardest for the simple reason of her clothing. It took Diana a bit to understand that during Steve's time women only dressed like her if they had a very particular profession that she would happily not repeat for the sake of her team mate. But once Steve shoved that unease down the two got along quite well as they talked about Greek mythology and the ways Diana was brought up under which greatly fascinated Steve.

But to the world Steve was keeping a low profile till he really felt comfortable going back out in it as a normal man not as Captain America. Batman and Superman got what the government owed him as a whole for the time he served and under the ice since he wasn't discharged till recently which amounted to over five million dollars that included the rewards plus interest for many wanted men he brought in to stand for trial and the other job he did before he was taken seriously by the Army. So it amounted to quite a good sum of money which he had placed into a savings account for the future should it be necessary. He even took up his old hobby of drawing after a few weeks in the modern era.

Right now though Steve was helping J'onn monitor a storm system that was sweeping across the east coast. Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Hawkgirl, and Lantern were on the ground helping emergency responders with the storm. Batman was dealing with one his villains called Bane in Gotham.

After several hours the storm had passed and was receding. The ground team returned from it's mission and they each gave there reports on the damages. Captain America always was very diligent when it came to details concerning reports as back during the war he went against HYDRA so every detail mattered.

Once they were done Diana left as everyone else talked. Steve followed after her. "You alright?" He asked

"I don't know as you know I left Themyscira against my mother's wishes." Diana told him

"Your homesick Diana. Go home to see your family explain to your mother why you did what you did in full honest truth. She'll understand" Steve told her

"That's just it she won't listen to me after I directly disobeyed her breaking the sacred vow of the island. "Diana told him

"Diana sometimes it's easier to just do what you think is best then ask for forgiveness later. This is one such case. Rip off the bandage now while you can or else there might be consequences that neither you or your mother can be prepared for" Steve told her placing a caring hand on her shoulder.

Diana had a look of though cross her face before heading to the hangar. "I'll be back in a few days should my mother allow me back" Diana told Steve as she boarded one of the Javelins.

Steve could only smile, "Call if anything happens" Steve told her

Diana gave him a smile before she boarded the Javelin. Steve went over to the controls and let Diana out once he closed the air lock between control and the hangar. He'd spent a few hours sparring with John in the training room when he got a call about a problem dealing with Themiscrya. "What's up?" Steve asked as he boarded the Javelin.

"We're about to find out." J'onn told Steve as they left for Metropolis.

They landed on the roof of the Natural History museum as Steve walked out he spotted Superman and Wonder Woman. Once Flash had shown up Diana started talking about what was going on. As the others talked Steve swore that the name Faust sounded familiar to him til it clicked into place. "Diana does this Felix Faust have any connection to a Arthur Faust?" Steve asked

"Not that I'm aware of" Diana told Steve, "Why do you ask?"

"Arthur Faust was the head of the magical relic excavation team for the Nazi's, but specifically the Skull during WW2. If this man has any connection to the Faust I knew then this relic is more dangerous than it seems." Steve replied

"Go find Batman he's doing a background check on him as we speak if your haunch is true then we'll at least be prepared" Diana told Steve

Steve nodded his head before leaving to track down Batman while the other's went to find the rest of the relic. Steve rendezvoused with Batman at a University to talk after Batman got what he wanted from one of Faust's former co-workers, Professor Ilik. "Anything?" Steve asked once he meet up with Batman inside the university.

"Enough now what did you want to ask me?" Batman asked

"This Faust person does he have any connection to an Arthur Faust?" Steve asked

"Yes he was his great Grandfather" Batman replied as Steve took a deep breath.

"What's wrong?" Batman asked

"Arthur Faust was the head of the Magical Relic excavation Team for HYDRA during WW2 before I captured him in '44. Batman I think that Felix came across his great Grandfather's notes and...." Steve told Batman

"And used them as a basis to get the relics he's currently after using Diana." Batman finished as he put the pieces together as well, "But let's check his room before we make any assumptions"

Steve nodded time to investigate this so called Sorcerer of the Mystic Arts. 

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