"Bye.", I said back and she hung up. I lowered the phone onto my lap and made eye contact with my boyfriend again. He was drying himself with a fresh towel. 

"How's Fifi?", he asked me with a caring voice. I breathed in.

"Good. Annoyed about the internship but she'll get over it.", I explained and put down my phone onto the nightstand. "How was the run?"

"Good.", Lucas said and dropped the towel onto the little bench on the wall of the hotel room. "Good pace, great conversations, some new ideas. Overall very good."

"That's great.", I said back and leaned back on the bed again. My hands were covered by the white fabric of Lucas's hoodie that I was wearing. 

"Alright, I'm sweaty and I need a shower.", Lucas said and grabbed some fresh clothes out of his suitcase. "I'll be right back. Wanna watch a movie afterwards?" My eyes shot back onto my boyfriend with a look. Was he being serious right now?

"Is that even a question?", I asked back and made him laugh. 

"Alright, your choice. But please, no romance movie." Lucas disappeared into the bathroom with a grin on his face. 

"I know you secretly love romance movies!", I yelled after him with a smile on my face. I did as I was told and grabbed the remote. An advantage of staying in luxurious hotels was that every single room here had Netflix. Now it was a great time to see what Netflix Canada had to offer. I scanned the different movies and a movie called "Falling Inn Love" caught my attention.

Now, I know Lucas said no romance movies, but the description said it was both a comedy and romance movie. So he can't argue with me on that one. Just as I decided we would watch this movie, the ringtone of my phone went off. I quickly grabbed it from the nightstand and scanned the name that appeared on the screen. To my surprise, it was Pierre. I couldn't remember the last time he called me, if he had ever called me before in the first place.

"Hello, Pierre.", I greeted him as I accepted the call. 

"Salut, Tia.", he greeted me back. The smile on his face was clearly translated to his voice. 

"What's up?", I asked but felt dumb as I remembered that I could speak French with him. Sometimes I get confused with that. I was used to speaking English with everybody in my life, except my father. And now there was another person. I still needed to get used to it.

"Où es tu?", he asked me. 

"Dans un hôtel à Montréal, pourquoi?", I asked back. Why were people suddenly asking me about where I was at the moment? First Lucas, back in England, and now Pierre. 

"Pourquoi ne m'as-tu pas dit que tu étais au Canada!", Pierre said excitedly. 

"Il s'est passé quelque chose, Pierre?" Worry was in my voice. It was so untypical for Pierre to just call me and speak in riddles to me. 

"Non, il ne s'est rien passé. Mais comme tu es au Canada, tu viens voir la course demain, non?" Now all made sense. The next F1 race must be in Canada, close to Montréal, I guess. But I didn't know that. And besides, even if I knew the race was here, I wasn't allowed to go. Management made it clear that I couldn't get distracted anymore. 

"Non, Pierre. Je ne peux pas le faire. Je ne savais même pas que tu faisais des courses au Canada.", I explained and hoped he would understand. 

"Qu'est-ce qui t'arrête?", Pierre asked me and I couldn't believe he still asked me that. He knew exactly what was stopping me. 

"Vraiment, Pierre ? Tu poses toujours cette question?"

"Oui, je veux dire, tu as d'autres nominations ce week-end?", he asked me and made me think. 

All I know - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now