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epilogue- a final or concluding act or event.

One year later...

"Awww, Nebby." I look down.

I ended up having twins, one boy and one girl. Kai, and Nebula.

Kai is sleeping while Nebula is awake and playing with my fingers.

Matteo and I aren't completely perfect, but we've been working on it.

We've been going to couples therapy, and our relationship is a lot less complicated and toxic.

Nebula is playing with my fresh manicure in the living room while Bianca strolls her bags from the other side of the house.

Matteo is laying next to me in a black teeshirt hugging around his muscles and his tattoos.

I look into his eyes as he grins at me.

Anastasia got only eight months on probation for what she did to me, and still shows up at family functions.

We don't have a good relationship, as for Bianca, we've never been better, but she's leaving for a little over a year for some promotional thing in Canada and the US.

Bianca turns to us. "M and M. Angela said hi."

"Hi Angela!" I whisper yell into the phone.

Bianca turns back to me.

"She said that she's going to talk to you about something later." She replies.

"Alright." I turn back to my babies.

They're beautiful.

They both look like us with their dark tan skin, but Kai looks more like Matteo, while Nebula takes after me more.

Bianca crouches down and says goodbye to her niece and nephew.

She takes her suitcases towards the door as her and I have a short conversation.

I hug her, and Matteo does the same.

She exits the house as Matteo and I return back to our children.

Our family.

All I ever wanted.

Don't be sad, the story doesn't end here.

As one chapter ends, another chapter begins.



Ahhhhh I can't believe this is over!! But don't worry, like I said earlier, I've been working on a spin off Bianca, when you're done reading this, Chase Me, Should already be posted.

Thank you all for following me along this journey. I'm appreciative of all of you. Thanks so much for giving me the opportunity to write this short little story.

Wishing you all the best!! <33


Mio Girasole///under reconstruction Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang