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Affinity- a strong liking for or attraction to someone or something.


Maria's POV-

I open my eyes and I have a pounding headache.

I feel heat radiating off of a body that isn't mine.

I feel weight on top of my waist and my legs are intertwined.

I look foreword and Matteo is sleeping.

I think about my breakdown and I feel so embarrassed.

He probably thinks that I'm weak or fragile.

He begins to stir and I look outside.

I look over to the clock and it reads '2:00 AM'.

We slept for TWELVE hours?

He opens up his dark eyes and looks at me.

"You hungry?" He asks.

"Yeah, it's 2, in the morning." I remember to add.

"I'll make you something." He says quickly.

"I don't want to move." I say grimly.

I feel like shit.

I genuinely feel this way.

He scoops me up in his arms like I'm nothing and he takes the elevator.

He puts me down in the living room and gives me a blanket and turns on the tv.

He swiftly hands me the remote and goes to the kitchen.

"Wait what are you making?" I ask.

"It's a surprise." I can hear in his voice that he's grinning and it sorta makes me smile.

I turn to the tv and watch Gilmore Girls
as Matteo comes to the living room with a rolling table that has two plates filled with Alfredo and breadsticks.

"I know that it's your favorite and you used to love when I made it for you." He rambles.

"Thank you."

"Well, dig in." He says shyly. He begins to walk away.

I pat on the seat next to me.

"You eat too."


"No if's or but's about it. Eat with me." I say as I'm grabbing a plate.

I fill it up with alfredo and breadsticks and I hand it to him.


He takes the plate and sits next to me.

I fill up my plate aswell and begin to eat.

"Rory is so annoying." I say my mouth filled with food.

The alfredo and bread sticks are so good and I moan.

"Fuck this is good."

He turns to me with a bit of a smirk.

"What's funny?" I say when I turn towards him.

"Nothing, I just remembered something." He says smiling to himself.

We continue to eat while the TV is playing and I put it back on the rolling table.

Matteo gets up and rolls it to the kitchen.

He comes back and sits on the couch.

A wave of tiredness hits me as I close my eyes.

I'm so sorry that this chapter is short :(
I promise the next one is wayyy longer.
I'm happy that they had a sweet moment, and this was so fun to write

Mio Girasole///under reconstruction Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora