when the fairytale ends.

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"Turns out fairy tales end when they do for an reason."

What the fuck.

I instantly regret what I did.

This just means that you have to fight him more.

I put on tight fitted jeans, and and a black tank top and put on flip flops.

I put my curly hair into a bun, grab my bag and rush down the stairs.

Matteo is sitting on the couch and is looking at me, his eyes longing. I roll my eyes then stroll out the door.

"Hey Adrian? Yeah, this is Maria."

"Hey." His voice is smooth and makes butterflies grow in my stomach.

"Hey, I missed you." He continues to talk.

"I missed you too. Are you in Milan?" I respond back fondly.


"Meet me for coffee."

"I can't, but you can come over Cadrezzette? I have a fake relationship going on right now."

"With your ex Matteo?"

"Yes, don't worry. I don't have any feelings for him."


"Ok. Good, we can start seeing each other like we used to."

"I'll see you in an hour?"


"Bye Adrian." I smile and hang up. I actually sort of like Adrian. He's nice and sweet.

"Who were you talking to?" Matteo walks out in boxers and nothing on top.

"Put on clothes." I say disgusted.

"You weren't saying that 30 minutes ago." As he walks up behind me.

I push him off and stand away.

"What's wrong? Why are you acting like this?" He asks concerned.

"I don't want you like that." I scoff.

"Wait what? I was just inside your mouth 30 minutes ago?"

"I wasn't thinking straight."

"Yeah? Well make up your mind. Me or him?"

"Don't ask that stupid question. I should be asking you the same. Who was a better lay, me or my sister?" I yell.

He grabs both of my arms in his hand and puts them above my head as he corners me.

"You mio girasole."

I grab his face close to mine and whisper on his lips.

"Fuck. Off." As I push him off of me.

Bianca walks outside and looks at us.

"Is everything ok?" She asks concerned.

"Yup." I fix my hair and go inside.

As I get in she shuts the door.

"What's going on between the two of you?"


"That didn't seem like nothing." She says sarcastically.

"Ugh. Things escalated between Matteo. I almost did it with him then we stopped."

"Did what?" She asks concerned.

"Did it with Matteo."

"It hasn't even been two days..."

"I know. I thought I'd have more self control."

"When? Did you guys almost do it?"

"Like 30 minutes ago." I touch my temple to think.

"Ohmygod." Bianca mutters.

"I regret it so much. I don't know what got into me."

"I'm wondering the same. One minute you hate him and the next you're swallowing each other's spit. Literally."

"Ugh. It's ok because I'm going to be seeing Adrian again."

"That's good, Adrian as in Coffee Business owner Adrian?"

"Yes. That Adrian." I smile shyly.

"Are you just gonna shag him or are you two going to be dating? Or both?"

"Honestly? I think both. He's coming over soon and we're going to hang out on my part of the balcony."

"What are you going to make him?"

"Cinnamon rolls!" I say happily.


"So, what's on the table?" Adrian asks as he bites into a cinnamon roll and moans.

"I'm ok with everything."

"When will we start this?" He asks.

"Whenever you want."

"Then can I take you out for dinner tomorrow?"

"I can't because of the paparazzi. But I think I have something in mind. How about we go to a restaurant over here and buy out the entire place for the night so it's just us."


"Ok I'll call the manager and pay!"

"No. You're not paying." He grabs my hand.

"Why not?"

"Beautiful ladies shouldn't have to pay. Plus you're with me. Of course I'd pay."

"You're really sweet. You know that?"

We sit in silence watching the breeze. I lean onto his shoulder as he wraps his arms around mine.

"I like you Maria."

"I like you too Adrian. For once I feel at peace. Like a normal person rather than who everyone expects me to be."

"I'm sorry Maria."

We sat in silence until he started playing with my hair.

"Tell me something about you."

"I like pickles."

He makes a sour face as we laugh.

"You seriously like pickles?"

"Yes. They're good." I smile.

My bedroom door busts open as someone walks in.

Who do you think it is?
What is your opinion on Adrian so far?
Have your feelings about Maria, Matteo, or Bianca change?

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