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hell-  a place or state of misery or wickedness/ a place regarded in various religions as a spiritual realm of evil and suffering, often traditionally depicted as a place of perpetual fire beneath the earth where the wicked are punished after death.

It's been three weeks.

Maria is still in a coma, and I'm barely holding on.

I'm practically living at the hospital, only leaving for two hours a day, to go home to shower and eat.

I sit in the chair holding Maria's hand praying that she'll wake up.

It's been a trending social media topic, even International news.

Every news media outlet had something to say about it, and we had endless support.

But one person hasn't shown up.

If I'm being honest, I'm glad she didn't.

I sing gently, and then stop.

She used to joke and she said she could listen to me sing forever.

Some part of me couldn't help but think that it should've been me.

But there's nothing I could do about it.

"All these plastic parts. So tell me I'm fucked. Or tell me I'm fine. And my shit out of luck, keep wasting my time." I sing gently.

Her lifeless body, sitting there.

I then pull out her favorite book.


Ever since she was younger, she always wanted someone to be able to swoop in and save her when she needed it.

I failed her.

I put all of our dreams in jeopardy.

The police are running an investigation on who was behind the 'kidnapping gone wrong." At the beginning I was a suspect because I was covered in blood, but once they arrived to the scene, and my dna wasn't on the knife, I was cleared.

And they saw the security footage, and found that I had arrived later, like I said.

I can barely sleep. When I do, it's just the events playing over and over again.

Then there's a knock on the door.

Brunette hair and blue eyes.

"You." I say annoyed.

"I just wanted to talk to her a bit." She croaks.

"Okay." I say and get up.

I leave the room, but my ears are still near the opening of the door.

She looks awful.

Her tan skin is pale. She has dark undereyes as if she couldn't sleep.

"I'm so sorry. It wasn't supposed to be this way." She cries.

I listen in as she lowers her voice.

"I only meant for him to hold you for ransom, just for a bit. You weren't supposed to die." Her voice breaks as she begins to sob.

All along I thought it was an accident. But no. It was planned.

This isn't enough evidence.

'I should've recorded.' I murmur to myself.

She talks to her a bit, then gets up and leaves.

As she's walking out I look at her.

"I know what you did. Hopefully the police start looking for the person behind it." I whisper towards her.

"You wouldn't dare." She says in a low voice.

"Or what? You're gonna hold me for ransom too? Or put me in the hospital too? Please Anastasia. This is pathetic. Even for you. Trying to get rid of Maria? You're sick." I brush past her.

I go back into Maria's hospital room and I hold hands with her.

"I'm here for you baby." I say and I kiss her hand.

I then get up as Bianca and Maria's old friend Sage walks in.

Sage is dating one of my close friends and business partner Micheal Vance. He's been taking care of the business since I've been taking care of Maria.

It's eleven at night, and Bianca and Sage are going to watch Maria while I go home, take a shower, and eat.

I kiss Maria's forehead and walk out.

I take one last look of her in her bed, and I leave.

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