chamelet gossip.

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"I like the way I feel when he looks at me. Like I wanna believe in myself."

"Oh. My. God." Bianca yells from the stairs.

"So it is true! You're back together!" she says tapping my shoulder.

I finally wake up and begin to stir.

I open my eyes and look up. Matteo and I are still on the couch, our legs are tangled, and my head is on his chest.

I look at his face. He has stubble and he looks so peaceful. His lashes are perfect and long.

"I thought you were still mad at him." Bianca whispers.

"What do you mean?" She shows me her phone and she's on Google.

My name is on the search bar and there are multiple articles about Matteo and I being spotted at a club. A main source being the new source that interviewed us last night called "Chamelet Gossip" It had the pictures of us coming out of the bathroom, us entering the club, us at the bar, and him on my finsta.

"Oh no." I mutter.

I then get a call from Angela.

"Hi, I know that it's early for you, but I have a couple of questions for you."

"If it's about Matteo and I, we're not dating. I still despise him."

"We need you two to pretend to date in the public eye."

I groan.


"It's going to bring a lot of good press. Think about it, you're a world known supermodel that is loved by everyone. He's the 'bad boy' heartthrob that everyone loves. You two equal a power couple, which equals good press."

"Ugh. I'll have to talk to him first."

"Ok, thank you. Call me later." Then she hangs up.

I'm going to go back to sleep but then I get another call.

"Hello?" I groan.

"Hello Maria. When were you going to tell us you and Matteo got back together?" My mother. Ugh.

"We're not dating. We have a offer to fake date. If I was dating someone I would've told you. I just woke up and everyone's bombarding me with Matteo and I."

"Oh darling, I'm so sorry."

"It's ok. I'm going to go back to sleep. I love you, bye."

"I love you too, bye." She hangs up and I go back to lay on Matteo's chest.

Sorry this chapter is so short :(

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