such as life is.

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shock- a sudden upsetting or surprising event or experience.
3 Days Later...

"We did pretty good." I say excitedly.

"Yeah we did." He says as he smiles at me.

We just got done shooting for our perfume ad and it looks amazing.

Matteo and I both get a text message from Angela.

My smile fades as I read what was written.

"Chamelet Gossip is dropping an article
at 2pm. Apparently it's not good."
- Angela.

Do they know?

I check my watch and realize the time. It's 1:50pm, and the post is going to post in 10 minutes.

It's probably nothing.

My brain thinks.

I use the bathroom and splash water on my face, and I leave the bathroom.

Then we get a second ping.

"Anastasia Bianchi hot and heavy with Adrian Reeves." The header read.

"What the fuck..." I whisper as I look at the images of Adrian and Anastasia in a back room almost naked kissing in nothing but her in her bra, and him shirtless.

I look at the setting and it was the mascarade ball. But looks weird and unfamiliar because the sun was out, meaning that it occurred before Matteo and I even arrived.

Who even is behind this company.

Even a quick internet search can't help me.

"Hey, you ok?" Matteo says as he grabbed my arm.

"Don't touch me." I say softly.

I say my goodbyes, grab my things and leave. I put on my sunglasses and exit the set.

"Hey, wait up." Matteo says as he jogs after me.

"Yeah!" I say as I turn around.

"Take off your glasses." Matteo requests.

"Why?" I'm trying so hard to hold back my tears.

"I know you're crying." He says as a tear slides down my face.

"It's fine," I wipe the tear away "it seems like I'm choosing the wrong guys." I sniffle.

Flash Flash Flash

"This is the worst time for paparazzi to come see me." I mumble.

I look around trying to find a solution.

"Where's my car? I'm taking my car." I say as I search for the red convertible.

I spot my Audi R8 and hop inside.

"Join me, I'm going home." I say as I begin to take off.

The wind is blowing freely and so is my hair. I turn on the music and allow myself to get caught up in it.


1 hour later...

I throw my keys on the counter top.

I go up to my room to open up the door and I can't believe what I'm hearing.

"Ughhhh Adrian don't stop." Anastasia moans.

"Faster, ughhhhh." She says more loudly.

"What the fuck?" I say when I open the door.

Adrians face grows pale as Anastasia's face glows happily.

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