you were right.

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"I am sorry for the pain I've caused you. And I know I can't take it back, but I wanna try and make it up to you. Even if it takes me the rest of my life."

5 days later...
Matteo's POV-

It's been five days.

Maria has been avoiding me like I have the black plague or something.

For the past couple of days she's been going shopping with Bianca, staying in her room, hanging out with Adrian, and going swimming in the water often.

I could tell that what the press was saying about her hurt her.

They called her 'weak', 'hopeless', 'pathetic', and many of other negative names.

But even then I was called other things such as 'bastard', 'horrible', and 'betrayer'.

But I did feel horrible.

I feel alone and empty.

I miss her smile, and her open personality.

She could light up a room with her voice and her sarcasm.

Even Bianca isn't talking to me.

My own sister.

I lost one of the only people who gave a fuck about me, and my number one defender.

I get a call from my agent Angela.

"Hey, what's up?" I answer the phone.

"Are Bianca and Maria still with you?" She asks.

"Yeah, they're in Bianca's room watching a movie. Why?" I ask confused.

"You have to pick out your things for masquerade, or did you already forget?" She says accusingly.

"Oh yeah, I'll do that." I honestly forgot.

"This is your chance to redeem you and Maria to the press." She says with hope.

"She hasn't talked to me in five days."

"Well then fix that, because you have to appear to be fine, even if you're not. You act, and you have this last movie before you retire. Use your acting skills. The both of you." She says firmly.

"I'll try." I say and hang up.

I go up to Bianca's room and knock on the door.

"Matteo, if that's you, no one wants to talk to you." Bianca shouts.

"We have to go grab things at the boutique. The things that were made for us?" I shout back.

"Fine, let us get ready." Bianca shouts and I head back downstairs.

I wait for ten more minutes and Bianca and Maria are laughing about something as they're walking down the stairs.

Her laugh.

I missed it.

She makes eye contact with me and her smile fades.

Mio Girasole///under reconstruction Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora