you just had to be there.

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"I don't wait around to be disappointed again. So excuse me if I don't fall for that or you ever again."

Two days later...

"Hey, stop." I shout.

"No!" He yells back.

We're both gripping our controllers hard and are laughing.

"COME ON!" He yells as I beat him.

"HA I beat you!! It sucks to suck." I say shrugging my shoulders.

He tackles me and we wrestle for a bit until he pins me on the floor with both of my arms in his hand.

I look up at him and his dark eyes and we just stare at each other.

Bianca opens the door and immediately regrets it.

"Oh my god? Why am I always walking in." She says with disgust.

I get up quickly and look at her.

"Nothing was happening." I say quickly.

"Yeah, I totally believe that." She says sarcastically.

She shuts the door and Matteo and I burst out with laughter.

"Come on we have to go, and we have to go publicize our fake relationship." I say between giggles.

"Okay, I'll leave you to it." He says and leaves my room.

I go into my closet and grab a dark purple sparkly dress, and black louies. I put products in my hair and I let it out natural.

As a person of color, especially a mixed black person of color, the pressure to straighten my hair is always high, but honestly, I do my hair the way I want to do it.

If that means having my 3c curls out natural, in box braids, or straight, so be it.

I do my makeup, grab my bag and leave.

Bianca leaves her room and her hair is straight and she's wearing a green dress with green shoes.

"You look so hot." I say when I look at her.

"So do you." She says suggestively and jokingly.

Matteo opens the door with his jaw open.

"Was I interrupting? Oh have the roles reversed." He says breathlessly.

When it comes to sexuality, I'm fluid, if I like someone, I like them, I don't really care about gender or things concerning it.

I came out as pansexual when I was sixteen, and no one took me seriously but my parents, and Matteo's family.

"We're only joking." Bianca says as she grabs my waist.

"Come on." Matteo says annoyed.

"Awww worried I'm gonna steal your girl?" Bianca teases.

"She's not my girl." Matteo says quickly.

I look at him and he looks at me with regret.

"Come on, let's go." I say as I grab Bianca's hand.

"Jeez, what's his issue." She whispers to me.

"I'm not sure, we were fine until the hallway."

"Whatever, he'll warm up to you again." She says quickly.


We walk in to the club and the music is loud, Bianca and I go to the bar and order drinks and I see Matteo talking to a leggy blonde.

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