Jacob and I, along with a few men of ours make our way to Samuel's house. I was wearing a baseball cap and a black mask. Those old ones are becoming old and boring.

We broke open the door and cautiously went inside. It was a small stone built two storey house.

I went upstairs and Jacob went downstairs, to the basement. Our men followed us. Upstairs was clear. I heard a loud groan and some cursing followed by my name being called multiple times.

I rushed to the basement. Jacob  was on the ground, holding his head and two of our men were retraining a screaming and struggling girl.

"What happened?" I ask them.

"She attacked me." Jacob muttered.

I look over to see the girl still struggling to get out of the bulky men's grip.

"Leave me." She screamed.

"Stop fighting girl." I say as I walk towards her. "You won't win."

After a minute she finally stops.

"What do you want from me?" She asks. Her voice was laced with fear although she tried to sound brave.

"Who are you?" I ask her. She didn't look older. Maybe 20.

"Willow." She answers.

"How are you related to Samuel?" I ask.

"H-he is my u-uncle." She answers almost in a whisper.

I turned and went closer to Jacob. "We didn't have any information about this J." I mutter.

He nods. "When was the last time you went out of this house Willow?" Jacob asks her.

"I don't know." She cries.

"He is abusive I guess." I say while looking at her body littered with scars.

She was a reminder of the old me. Definitely I didn't reach my breaking point because I had my shields, my saviours but she didn't have any.

"Alright listen carefully Willow. Samuel will be dead within a few hours and you'll be free. We won't hold you, we will help you start a new life. Calm down." Jacob tries reassuring her.

"He's going to die? And I'll be free?" She asks in disbelief.

"Yes he messed up big time and the only way out of death. Yes you'll be free now." I answer her and that's when I hear a soft cry.

Each and every person in the room look at each other with wide eyes. I followed the voice although Willow struggled to stop me. I told the men to hold her down.

As I went deeper into the basement it got darker. I took out my torch and went ahead with the little light. I poined it to the source of the cry. In the corner was a small crib with a really small baby. It was all shabby. The blanket was black with dust. He or she was crying softly and I noticed maybe it was because of the cold atmosphere of the basement.

I held the torch in my mouth, picked up the baby and made my way out.

All eyes were on me when I came out. Willow was struggling even more. Jacob came and took the torch from my mouth.

"Don't kill her. Please I beg you." Willow begged.

"Calm down Willow. I promise I won't do anything to her." I promise and make my towards her, handing her her baby.

She cradled the baby and rocked her back and forth.

"Who is the father?" Jacob asks her.

Willow stares at us and her eyes fill with tears again. "I don't know." She answers.

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