A Painting and Poem

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Me and Jane were both pulled out of our moment by a cough noise coming from behind us and when we turned around to see who had made the noise Demetri was being smacked on the shoulders by both Alec and Heidi, causing me to blush profusely, as I remembered we had company.

Quickly to divert everyones attention I started to ask questions about the art work again, but this time far more awkwardly.

We had all now moved on to another corridor, where Jane told me that the paintings were far more older, which only excited me even more. I walked down the corridor looking every so often to my sides, sometimes to see Jane smiling at me, or to see yet another painting.

As I came to near the end of one wall, I saw a larger portrait, who's frame seemed to be made out of gold. I started to walk slowly over to it almost in a trance, as if something was pulling me to it.

Once I reached the artwork, I hadn't even taken in what the painting was of before I reached my hand up to it, to caress the painting ever so slightly with the tips of my fingers, ghosting over the image.

When I took a closer look at the portrait I saw a picture of some sort of stone bench that sat in front of a beautiful fountain, but this wasn't the focus of the art.

Sat on the bench were three beautiful women almost ethereal like, almost like angels. They looked so familiar, it confused me slightly how they could look so familiar but I just couldn't place it. "Hey Jane who are these women!" I turned my head to look over my shoulder trying to spot Jane so she could tell me.

"Oh they're," Jane started to walk over as she talked before she then got interrupted.

"Ah I remember when we had that done," spoke a soft yet intelligible voice, and when I whipped around fully to the sound of said voice, I saw walking down the corridor and up to me, Sulpicia.

Her hair was fully down, yes I was right she does have really long hair get in, I praised myself on guessing correctly. She also wore a beautiful Black long sleeve dress, that came to just bellow her knees, with a beautiful turquoise blue and gold pattern going around the bottom midsection of the dress, she matched this with a small, pretty gold volturi necklace, and in her hair a beautiful silver and blue sapphire comb.

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