Breakfast and Plans for the Day

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Anastasia's POV,

Me and Jane were swiftly out of that room and I was happy to now be on why to getting breakfast, because I was starving, and nearly on the verge of being hangry.

Me and Jane were down in the kitchen in less than five minutes, thanks to Jane carrying me part way, which I actually didn't hate, though she didn't ask my permission first.

"Here we go," Jane placed me gently back down on the floor, as we both stood in front of the door leading to the kitchen. Once mind head had stopped spinning from Jane carrying me, I looked over at the blonde vampire in question and saw that she was already in the kitchen, waiting for me.

I headed inside the kitchen and took a seat infant of the breakfast table, and Jane was standing on the opposite end, with her hands under her chin and her elbows resting on the island. "So what do you want to eat for breakfast?" Jane asked with a slight curiosity.

"Um, I'm sure maybe just some cereal," I replied with, though judging from Jane's expression she wasn't all to thrilled with my answer.

"But that's boring, come on you can have what ever you want," Jane pressed and knowing that, I was now feeling a bit more adventurous. "Well now that you've said that how about," I took a pause contemplating what I wanted, as I did so I tapped my chin with my index finger.

"I'll have, two English muffins and raspberry jam please," I placed my order with Jane and she seemed much happier this time with my request. "Perfect!" She told me in a slightly raised voice and within less then a minute, a plate with two English muffins and jam was placed in front of me.

"Thanks Jane, that was really nice of you," I gave her my thanks for breakfast and began to eat.
Jane had now taken a seat next to me as I was eating, but whilst ate she pulled a peculiar face. "Jane, what's wrong?" I asked her, wondering why in the world she was pulling such a face. "Oh sorry," she began an apology, "vampires don't eat, and to me the food doesn't smell all to great." Oh right, I guess that makes sense as to why she was pulling a face, I didn't vampires couldn't eat, then again I don't know an awful lot about vampires anyway.

"That makes sense, well I'm almost finished anyway," I reassured her, and judging from the small smile that played on her rosey red lips, she was happy.

A minute or so had now passed, and me and Jane had spent that minute in silence as I finished up with breakfast. Once or twice I caught Jane staring at me, but I didn't say anything to her about it, even though it did make me feel slightly uncomfortable.

"I'm done!" I kind of exclaimed to Jane, as I turned round on my seat and stood up to start washing my plate, but Jane beat me to it. Of course she did vampire speed, my little thought made me chuckle slightly.

"What are you laughing about Ana?" Jane questioned, but not in a rude way, but a kind and curious way. "Oh nothing," I told her quite blatantly, but she didn't seem to mind, and if she did, she sure didn't show it.

"Jane?" I asked meekly, almost like I was in school asking the teacher a question. "Yes Ana?" Jane replied sweetly with a smile, as she stood in front of me within a blink of an eye. "What are we doing to day?" I asked slightly uncomfortably, just because I wasn't sure if I was okay to ask.

"Oh ye, I forgot to tell you, so I thought I'd introduce to some of the guard and then we could go on a bit of a tour of the castle, does that sound okay?" Jane answered and her reply sounded amazing, asides from the, 'meeting other guard members', I just didn't feel at all excited about meeting other vampire strangers, but the 'tour of the castle', sounded amazing.

"The tour sounds lovely Jane, the meeting other vampires part not so much," I told Jane, in a much quieter voice then I usually used, afraid Jane may get annoyed with me.

Yet when I looked up at her she didn't seem annoyed at me at all, instead she seemed, sympathetic, if that was even possible.

"Oh don't worry Ana, first off they're all on strict rules not to lay hand on you or else I will personally rip both of their arms off and torture them, and that goes the same to any other vampire in this castle, if anyone lays a hand on you, me and your mothers will be more than happy to rip every single one of their limbs off in alphabetic order and then burn them."

Janes words actually kind of helped with my nerves, in a weird psychotic way, the only part that didn't sit well with me, was Jane referring to the Queens as my mothers, because I don't know how many times I need to say this but, they're not my flipping mothers.

"That's really reassuring Jane," I retorted in a sarcastic joking voice, which sent us both in to slight fits of laughter. "But please don't call the Queens my mothers again, okay," I told her calmly, but it just seemed to go through one ear and out the other, because began to take my arm, and with a slight jump in her step with both left the kitchen.

Hey guys, it's been almost a long time no see, with this chapter, but I'm happy to say that I'm now back into the swing of updating this book. I hope you all enjoyed the new chapter and as always please make sure to comment and vote, because they always make my day. Until next time fellow readers.

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