chapter 29 {the after party}

Start from the beginning

"you know what fuck you 2" you said walking away pissed off. "y/n wait!" you heard Steve yell. "fuck off rogers!" you yell back at him "leave me the fuck alone!" you walked to your room, it looked like there hasn't been anyone living there for a month. which was true since you spend most of the time in Steve's room. the only sign off life in your room was the still broken mirror. you quickly took a shower to refresh yourself. you got dressed in a comfortable knitted 2 piece.

you laid down on your bed, ready to watch a movie but you were hungry so you decided to grab some snacks from the kitchen

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you laid down on your bed, ready to watch a movie but you were hungry so you decided to grab some snacks from the kitchen.

you walked into the kitchen and saw a young man sitting at the table. "good morning" he said smiling friendly at you. "morning" you say back a little confused not knowing who he was. he stood up sticking his hand out introducing himself. "hi I'm peter parker" he said smiling like a kid in a candy store. you grabbed his hand "y/n stark" you said shaking his hand. "oh your mister starks daughter" he said happy, but his face changed a second later. "I'm sure he didn't mean what he said at the party" he said to you. "yeah i doubt that" you said to him, he seemed nice, like a young and innocent kid.

"so how do you know my dad" you asked him while grabbing some food. "he offered me an internship when he found out what i was up to" he said proudly. "what were you up to then?" you asked him smirking at him. "well i am sort of a superhero" he said proudly. "you have a superpower?" you asked him. "yeah wanna see" he said excitedly. "yeah sure" you said as you saw how exited he was about it. he made a weird hand movement and a white tread came out of his wrist. "wow cool" you said looking fascinated at the white string "what is this?" you asked him. "spider web" he said coolly. "how did you get this power" you asked him. "got bitten by a spider" he said. "wait a spider can make you shoot webs, is that why people are so afraid of them" you ask. "no, it wasn't a normal spider that bit me, it was radioactive one" he said laughing at you.

"oh wait then you are that Spiderman, the new superhero they keep talking about on the tv" you say to him. "yep that's me" he said proudly. "that's cool, how old are you?" you asked him because he looked a bit young to fight crime. "16" he said. "already fighting crime at such a young age" you asked surprised. "yep" he said back. "so are you a super hero too?" he asked you. "no not really" you replied "but do you have powers too or does your dad make gadgets for you?" he asked you " I can do this" you said while a white ball of electricity formed in your hand. "wow is the electricity?" he asked excitedly. "yes" you said. "how did you get your powers?" he asked fascinated. you didn't really know how to answer that question, he was so innocent and had such a positive outlook in life. "I'm injected with super soldier serum, short after i fell into an electric fence by accident" you said making up the story. "wow cool, you're a super soldier and you have powers, that's awesome!" he said excitedly. "yeah sometimes it pretty cool but most of the time i just wished i was normal" you say to him, surprised as to why you told him that because you've never told anyone that.

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