chapter 26 {i wish everyday was like today}

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[a week later]

*your pov*

you woke up early, you carefully got out of bed not waking Steve up. you walked to the kitchen. "good morning" you heard Bucky say as you walked into the kitchen. "good morning" you say back. "you're up early" you say to him. "nah I'm always up early" he said "but you're not, everything okay" he asked. "yeah just had another nightmare again" you said softly knowing he would worry about you. "again!?" he said "the same one?" "yes" you said back. ever since you found out hydra planted that bomb there, you had a nightmare that they would take you with them again or even worse they would take Bucky with them and changed him into the winter soldier and they would send him to kill you.

"they're just nightmares you know, it's not real" he said comforting you. "I know, it just always feels so real" you say looking to the ground. "I know" Bucky said back hugging you. "well since were both up early, shall we make pancakes for everyone?" he asked. "why not" you said back getting a mixing bowl out. Bucky grabbed the flour and tried to open it, but he underestimated his strength and the packed ripped open covering only you in flour. "you'll pay for that Barnes!" you said grabbing a hand full of flour and threw it to him. his face was now covered in flour. "and you'll pay for that stark" he said throwing an egg at you. you both laughed as you threw flour and eggs to each other.

"what's going on here" you heard Tony say as he walked in, Steve walking in behind him. "yeah, why didn't you invite me" Steve said smiling while Tony pushed his shoulder making him clear he didn't find this funny. "well the plan was to make pancakes" you said laughing at Bucky. "yeah that didn't work out" Bucky said laughing back. "you 2 are going to clean this mess right now" Tony said not finding any off this funny and walked away irritated. "hey Steve, there's something on your face" you say grinning at him. "where?" he asked "right there" you said throwing flour in his face. you and Bucky burst out in laughter high fiving each other. "oh you find that funny" Steve said grabbing 2 eggs, throwing one at you and one at Bucky. "that's for not inviting me to your food fight" he said smiling. "oh you want a food fight Rogers" you say grinning at Bucky, he looked back at you knowing exactly what you were planning.

Bucky ran up to Steve holding him in place. you grabbed the bag of flour and dumped it over Steve's head, Bucky finished it off by throwing an egg on his head. "you 2 are gonna pay for that" he screamed. the 3 of you had a food fight leaving nothing in the kitchen clean. after a few minutes you were all full of flour, eggs and other food that you could find. "ahh now we have to clean this mess" you said not wanting to clean it all up. "well i think we first need to clean ourselves" Steve said. "do you think what i'm thinking" Bucky said to Steve. "pool party!" they yell at the same time, Steve picked you up and ran to the pool, throwing you in. "hey!" you scream as Steve throws you into the pool. Bucky than pushes Steve in the pool before he jumps in herself. you splash both man in their faces. you clean all the food off of you. "that was fun" you say looking at the 2 man before you. "yeah we should do this more often" Bucky said smiling, he looked happy, you've never seen him like this before. "if we didn't have to clean the mess after, I would" Steve said. it was silent for a while as you just swam in the pool with your 2 favorite people.

"hey buck, you still got something on your face" you hear Steve say. "where?" Bucky asked him. "let me" Steve said brushing his finger over Bucky's cheek touching his lips lightly, you could swear you saw Bucky blush.

 "let me" Steve said brushing his finger over Bucky's cheek touching his lips lightly, you could swear you saw Bucky blush

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