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"There's a reason why people yearn for cliches

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"There's a reason why people yearn for cliches. There's a reason why emotions like love and storylines about the lion falling in love with the lamb are so sought after. It's because once you experience these stories for yourself, you don't know how you lived without them before.

 It's because once you experience these stories for yourself, you don't know how you lived without them before

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Loving you is like the plot to my favorite movie happened to me in real life. Everyone else but you disappears. My heart beats faster when I sense that you're close. And I fail to catch my breath when I realize you don't see me as I do you.

 And I fail to catch my breath when I realize you don't see me as I do you

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Trust me. Trust me that I can show you what the cliches are all about. You have rendered me senseless, and all I have left to show for is how my heart beats for you."

A story in which people have rendered each other senseless, all except for the pain that love brings.


Florence Ghost was little when she moved to Washington. Her mother, an immigrant, and father, a businessman, were up able to set up home for Florence on the Quiluete Reservation next to Forks, Washington.

Originally, they wanted to live in Forks, but when an incident in the woods one day occurred when her dad cut himself chopping wood and a mountain lion approached the residence, they decided to move to the Reservation, where it was safer.

This slight change in their family plans uprooted the family, however.

Richard Ghost, torn in between wanting his family to be safe or being closer to his job decided that the latter was more important. Unfortunately for Florence, her parents got a quick divorce and she only saw her father twice a year, if lucky.

From her father, she inherited auburn hair that glinted red in the sun, yet brown in the shade, and eyes of chestnut brown. Her skin: lightly tanned; a trait she carried from her mother's Latin American roots.

And in her free time, Florence spent as much time possible as she could in nature. On the weekends, she would surf alongside her best friend Leah Clearwater and her boyfriend Sam Uley.  The weekdays were spent helping her mom at the the local fishing store, and the occasional hike in the woods.

She also liked to spend some time delved into the arts. Her favorite was poetry. In fact, everything was so poetic to her that one of her long-time friends, Jacob Black, told her it was "a sickening hobby of hers that everything could be turned into poetry." Of course, he was only joking- he always did with her. But she really did feel like the world was almost far too beautiful for her to describe with simple sentences.

On the reservation, life was stable for Florence Ghost. Many years ago, Mr. Ghost had uprooted the family, but that was in the past. She attended the same school most of her life there, but the only time she planned to look ahead- was college. For this reason, Florence made a slight change in her plans.

In the middle of the semester, of her junior year, despite all the sense it lacked, Florence was transferring to Forks High for some college credit.

Florence did not know, however, that the friendship she would make with Bella Swan & the friendships she already had with Jacob Black and Leah Clearwater, would be changed forever.


Author's Note
Hey guys! I am so excited to bring this story to you all, my writing skills are honestly so rusty but I have honestly never felt this creative before. This story actually comes after me growing up and learning a few things about myself- like what it means to feel alive, embracing myself as a writer, and returning to things I always loved growing up (that I wanted to keep a secret).

I'm not sure how this story will end up doing, but as always, when I get a burst of creativity, it's all I want to share my works to the world. I hope that this is an enjoyable and fun read, and maybe you'll get a little surprised here and there, maybe even learn something about yourself too, like when I did writing it.

I don't want to get too my far ahead of myself just yet, as I only have a few chapters written already, so I'll let u guys go. See ya!

P.S. Please vote on every chapter if you can, thank you so much!!! (The story goes up in rankings with more votes (: )

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