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A/N: The song for this chapter is Full Moon - the Black Ghosts. Listen while reading if you can! Video is above.

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Florence woke up to the sound of distant voices, one of which was clearly on the phone

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Florence woke up to the sound of distant voices, one of which was clearly on the phone. Yet it sounded like the voice was also coming right outside her room's door. Florence peeled back her covers to listen better.

"The Cullens haven't been here for months," her mother was overhead saying. "We're safe. Goodbye."

The Cullens, Florence thought. Who are they again? It was a name brought many times recently but she couldn't exactly place where.

Despite it being early in the morning, Florence was already thinking a mile per minute. The Cullens, the Cullens...

"Aha!" She exclaimed out loud. Yes, she remembered where she heard the name from.

Jacob Black, one of Flor's good friends, had a crush on a girl named Bella Swan. Florence faintly remembered Jake talking about how she was family friends with the Cullens, or something like that... she trailed off. But why would Mom need to say we were safe??

As she was brushing her teeth, her mind came to a conclusion. Her Mom was talking on the phone to her Dad.

She spat the toothpaste into the sink and rinsed her mouth. Obviously, he's checking up on us. Florence thought. At least he has the decency to always ask about how we are doing here.

"Knock, knock, Flor," Sounded her mom's voice from the doorway. "How did you sleep?"

Florence turned to look at her Mom with a smile. "Never better," she lied.

In reality, Florence, or Flor, was exhausted. The night before doing anything new seemed to leave her restless, and if not restless, then at least dreaming about various scenarios of things that could go wrong.

Her Mom, Rosa, could tell that her daughter was tired. She hadn't meant to wake her up with that phone call, either, but Richard was worried about them. Sometimes, it angered her that he couldn't come by and see them more. A girl needed her father. In an effort to lighten the mood, she brought a peace offering.

"So, I was thinking you could take the car to school this morning," Rosa offered casually, while picking up some of Flor's clothes off the floor for her. "Being your first day and all."

A squeal was heard from the bathroom. "Oh my god, mama, really?!" The girl beamed. "Gracias, gracias, gracias!!"

Rosa laughed. "Of course, mi amor, now hurry up! You don't want to be late."

And with a blur of clothes, breakfast, and keys, Flor was out of the door and on her way to her first day at Forks High.


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